The more I read and learn the more I realize this blogging thing takes time. I have know for a while that you can use links for "A call to Action" but it wasn't until a month ago that someone really explained links to me. If I use "Real Estate in Chesapeake VA" I can highlight it and link it
As far as Active Rain, or any other blog; search engines look for new and relative content. If you build a site and let it sit, there will be nothing for search engine spiders to look at that is "new and relevant". Let's say your site is about homes in Chesapeake Va and you blog about Chesa
And the WINNER is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent alot of time in the last month or so thinking about what drives me, you know what motivates me to get up in the morning and go to work. Of course a little bit of green always helps but it's not everything, and it wasn't ringing my bell
I know all the rest of you are snoozing away, but I feel like a kid going to the candy store, a felon getting out of prison, I can't explain it. I am just more ready for the New Year than ever before. Not sure if there resolutions, but Ideas I have for 09 1. Quit reading the paper, it is star
We spent another day in Hampton VA, nothing at all wrong with that but very excited to get a track going in West Chesapeake, "Western Branch" I have been looking at the ABA site and am putting a proposal together for the new year. Both Braeden and Kohde had a blast, I even took my bike and r
I have found my reason, my "WHY" for Real Estate!, I am the "Flying Tomato" I know there is a real tomato out there in AR land and I'm not you, just a guy with some kids that like to BMX. We drive 32 miles one way to a track that they love, it occured to me that If I want to spend more time wit
I have a contractor that would like to start flipping homes in Chesapeake and Portsmouth VA. He is looking for a partner to back the project, no payment to the contractor until, settlement of the house, I will arrange for the marketing of the house saving 3%. I have access to all the forclosure
I've been carousing lately and see a pretty consistent theme, How's Business? and what are you going to do to change it? Well I'm not recruiting nor am I promoting but if you want to read something that will change your business for the better read "SHIFT" Remember that the road in front o
Not really, I spent the day at the Hampton, VA BMX track with my kids and had more fun than I've had all year. These guys are so inspirational, they make me want to go out get a bike and start racing! I think I'll probably just put all that energy into 09 and make enough to open a track. As lo
For anyone looking for Home Improvement work in Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Norfolk, or Suffolk, Please Read. There was a devastating fire In Portsmouth and one of the companies that suffered was Betterton Home Improvement, They have been in the area for the past 30 years and Put the Customer Firs