Building a website can have multiple purposes: •· It can be an online brochure listed on printed brochures and cards.•· It can be a photo album for a family, church or other organizations.•· It can also be an information communication tool.•· It can be used as a sa...
We are working on a series called 'Starting your first website'. This article will focus on hosting the new website. Hosting to most of my clients is intimidating and most don't know where to begin. When you are starting a new website you need to answer a few questions. 1) What is the website abo...
In my last post on 'Starting your first website' we talked about some of the basics, with our focus on selecting the domain. It was the second article of a series titled 'Where should you begin with online marketing & SEO?' Selecting the keywords are fairly simple.1) My main search phrase is Hunt...
*** A little shameless plug for my company *** Many developers, builders and REALTORS have expressed that there is a lack of understanding when it comes to non-specialized marketers of real estate. Maria with Legacy Homes Group in Madison Alabama expressed this sentiment recently to Pearl Real Es...
Before you continue reading this post please read the following post: Where should you begin with online marketing & SEO? Now you have that finished let's begin with the basics. Step 1) Picking a domain name:The search engines will give you credit for having keywords in your domain. My main site ...
There are many do's and don'ts when it comes to online marketing. When you begin trying to understand the online world it becomes very confusing and overwhelming. All we ever hear is the techno-babble of those who have a grasp on the subject through self education. (This includes me). The web wor...
I am a Realtor in Huntsville Alabama. I have helped people who needed to get a mortgage at 90%- 100%. I didn't have any who had any intentions of not paying the money back. However, as a Huntsville Alabama real estate professional, I could see there was a payday coming in our economy. I am not sa...
I found it hard to get my head around the differnce between general interest articles and press releases. I want to detail here the differences I have learned over the years. Articles1) Articles are usually general interest, opinions, how to guides, do-it-yourself guides, and advice.2) Articles a...
Alabama has many positive attributes, especially in Huntsville Alabama. Huntsville boasts low crime, low unemployment and a very family friendly community. There is one Alabama law that can have a very negative impact on buyers. A vast majority of states require a disclosure from sellers to revea...
BRAC and other companies are creating Huntsville's employee needs, providing good news for concerned Americans. Thousands of people are migrating to Huntsville Alabama over the next few years. Due to the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC), the shuffling of military personnel will mount int...