Being familiar with your insurance policy will limit any surprises when damage occurs to your home or business. Knowing the limits and conditions of your coverage, and how much your deductable may cost you can greatly reduce unnecessary stress in an already overwhelming situation. Call a reputa
Do not disturb or attempt to remove anything if you suspect it is contaminated with mold. Many types of mold can be hazardous to your health and mold can spread into other areas of the property if not handled properly. Call a reputable disaster restoration company to begin emergency services.
Contact with sewage is hazardous to your health because it contains disease causing organisms. Do not touch or try to remove sewage. Call in a professional to shut off or fix the source of the sewage leak. Call a reputable disaster restoration company to begin emergency services. Bowerman Res
If possible, turn off the source of water or call a plumber to repair any leaks. Call a reputable disaster restoration company to begin emergency services. Bowerman Restoration will respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, call 1-800-638-4799. We work directly with insurance co
The name Bowerman has been synonymous with quality work and integrity for generations. Our family's experience in the restoration and cleaning industry began with Michael Bowerman, Sr. In the early ‘70s he successfully operated a steam carpet cleaning business and managed a dry cleaning store in