Hi folks, I entered the world of Windows Vista over the weekend and purchased a new notebook computer with Vista for Windows installed. My office computer is a desktop with Windows XP installed. I was going along just fine over the weekend with my new notebook computer and didn't mind some of t
I have this site Search Idaho Homes with Point2Agent which is awesome and bringing me in a lot of business. I have found one little quirk with it and that is with loading photos into blogs and having them look good. The photos work good with new pages added to the sites but not with new blogs.I
There are a lot of agents in our area of S.W. Idaho that entered the real estate business just prior to the peak year of 2005. In most cases these new Realtors just sat at a builder model home and had buyers walk in right and left. Anyone with a real estate license could make $100,000 with the
"Transferring a cell number from one company to another is easy...right? Wrong!" I have done very little other that be on the phone with Sprint Customer Service since last night around 10:00 p.m. and have been on the phone with them a good 3 solid hours today.Yesterday afternoon I went into a Sp
In my years in the business I have seen a lot of ups and downs and have also seen history repeat itself recently. Adjustable rate mortgages were around in the late 70's and by 1981 mortgages reached 17 ½ % and the prime rate hit 21 ½ %. When rates reached this level borrowers were loosing their
New Census Bureau figures show slightly more of the people coming from other states and nations settled in rural counties than in preceding years. Canyon County has been reckognized for having a growth which was higher than neighboring Ada County, the home of Boise.Based on county population esti
An agent friend of mine came in to see me yesterday and said he learned of two new interesting websites he heard about at a class this week.Jott.com This site allows you to call one number and enter a voice message. The system will then automatically converts yoru voice message and sends an ema
I have written in the past about my luck with Craig's List. I am a fan of it not only for advertising properties but it is an awesome SEO tool if used correctly. The more popular sites link to your site, the higher your site will be ranked by the popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN,
Stop all the presses! There isn't supposed to be any strong economies out there according to all the negative press. Foreclosures here, short sales there, jobless claims everywhere. "The Sky is Falling"! One cannot turn on the radio or T.V. or read anything published without being reminded a
At our office meeting the top of Zillow came up. It is no secret to any of you that know me that I have never, ever been a fan of Zillow and in fact have been very critical. My point is this: If homes are appreciating at 3% a year in Seattle Washington and depreciating 6% or more in Detroit Mi