How would you like to do your social networking from the couch? See your blog posts on TV? Maybe even chat with your friends on that big screen in the living room? Although it won't happen tomorrow - it's one step closer. Today, Plaxo announced they are being acquired by Comcast Interactive. ...
I'm always searching on google for different keywords to see how I'm ranking. I like to google my name and see what comes up. Many of you may know - there is a popular soap opera character on One Life to Live named Bo Buchanan. Years ago, I couldn't compete with this virtual Bo - he was just t...
The power of blogging still amazes me. A quick little exercise on google just confirms the obvious. About 2 years ago I purchased the domain name, hoping to eventually develop more of an area about downtown Oswego, Illinois on my website. I have yet to do anything signifi...
As I participate more and more at Active Rain, I find myself wanting more from Active Rain. Jonathan Washburn recently asked the question "How Can Active Rain Be More Than Itself". If you haven't read it yet - I suggest you do. It certainly sparked debate (Which I'm sure was the intent). But ...
You may not know this, but your blog at Active Rain already has a tag cloud. It looks like this: The larger the word appears - the more often you have used this tag on your blogs. It's a quick and easy way for readers to see what you write about. If you have a blog outside active rain - word...
It seems like I'm seeing more advertising for the various commission rebate programs vying for agent business. As far as I can tell, the idea was really born back in 2005 and received plenty of attention when it first started. I like to think I'm progressive and willing to consider new ideas - ...
I spend a lot of time reading real estate blogs - But I always wonder where those great images come from. Are people just grabbing images off a google image search? Snagging photos or comics from other websites? If you are - they are probably copyrighted images. If you didn't personally take ...
Have you ever heard of the term "Media Literacy"? The concepts been around for a while - it's a way of teaching people that you have to question the media, not take things for granted. You need to do your own research - and consider the vantage point of the person presenting the story. I worke...
I was reading a afew stories at when Idecided to comment on one. As I was registering to comment - I discoverd that agents could create a free profile and make it available to the public. Before I created my profile - I decided to do a search in my area and see how many agents were li...
Once again, an innocent evening in front of the computer turns into an obsession. I spent the afternoon listening to talk radio and it was all about politics. Telling you how I got from politics to the foreclosure widget is another blog entireley! For now, let's just say even the web adheres to...