Financial Strategies by Bill Roberts

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Bill Roberts writes about everything you need to make informed decisions regarding your financial well-being from utilizing your IRA, to buying a business, to managing your mortgage for tax advantages and net worth, to investing in land and other investment real estate
Be Careful What You Wish ForToday the Federal Reserve Board Open Market Committee  (FMOC) raised rates one-quarter point for the Fed  over-night funds rate.Just what does this mean?Well, Robert Shiller, the Yale economist who forecasts real estate markets and trends has said that real estate has ...
Be There Or Be SquareToday on Neil Cavuto, when he was talking about the upcomingmeeting of the Federal Open Market Committee, he said that all "Fed"watchers have a high level of interest in the upcomng meeting. Well,yeah.Cavuto said "Be there or be square."As an amateur "Fed" watcher I wish I co...
Order of De MolayWhen I was a kid I belonged to The Order of De Molay. It is a boysfraternal organization sponsored by the Masons.So now I am a Senior De Molay. That is what they call members whoreach the age of 21 years. I guess I am really a senior Senior De Molay.But who was DeMolay? Jacques D...
Who Spoiled My California?I was born in California many, many years ago.When I was growing up California was a wonderful place. We hadeverything.As Garrison Keillor says about Lake Wobegon (in Wisconsin I believe) “all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all thechildren are ab...
Republicans and Realtors (both are registered trademarks)There was a time when being a Realtor was virtually synonymous withbeing a Republican, but not anymore.Why is that? Is it because if you want to work in a Liberal enclave, it isbetter to be "one of them"? Or have we forgotten on which side ...
Did You See The Hunger Games?This weekend the latest installment of the Hunger Games wasreleased.Of course, we had to go.My wife likes the action. I like the heroine, a beautiful young girl.But beyond that there is the story. It is based in the North Americancontinent, sometime in the future. We ...
Are You A Patriot? By Bill RobertsToday is Veterans Day. It was formerly called Armistice Day,celebrating the end of WWI, the war to end all wars. I guess that didn'twork out, did it?Anyway, my question for you is "Are you a patriot?"You may think that of course you are, but are you willing to st...
The Retirement BlueprintFor many Baby Boomers, retirement is an impossibility. They simplywon't (or don't) have enough monthly income from all sources to beable to maintain their lifestyle IF they were to retire.They must WORK UNTIL THEY DIE. That is the Baby Boomer Retirement Plan as most of us ...
A Sincere "Thank You"When I became aware that we wouldn't be able to retire if I didn't dosomething different, I started searching for another income streamthat could help in this endeavor.We looked at several different "work from home" opportunities.   Weeven signed up for a couple of them.But, ...
Do You Really Want To Know?The way I do business is very personal. I keep in constant contact withmy clients. And because I only work with one or two at a time I amable to do this without any type of automation.If you want to know,. I either have the answer or will get it for you.You can count on...

Bill Roberts

"Baby Boomer" Retirement Planner
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Everything that the "Baby Boomer" needs to make sound financial decisions regarding real estate investing and retirement planning. Business Opportunities, self-directed IRA retirement plans, and mortgage strategies.