Financial Strategies by Bill Roberts

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Bill Roberts writes about everything you need to make informed decisions regarding your financial well-being from utilizing your IRA, to buying a business, to managing your mortgage for tax advantages and net worth, to investing in land and other investment real estate
Consistency vs. RationalityBack in the late 1960s and early 1970s LIBERTARIANISM was on therise.I got interested because I was "disgusted" with the Republicans forwhat they did to BARRY GOLDWATER.It was through the Libertarian Supper Club which met in Hollywoodthat I first became acquainted with ...
Who Is The Fool?"It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Whether you attribute this to Honest Abe or Mark Twain the truth of it is still the same.This week we heard from a major fool. He failed to win an election where everybody thought he ...
If you live and "invest" in this country, you need to read and understand this post.My friend Conrad Allen has done a yeoman's job of showing you where we are headed.Maybe it is not too late to change our course.   Wal-Mart vs. The Morons   1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of...
UtopiaDefinition: (1516) A book by Sir Thomas More that describes animaginary ideal society free of poverty and suffering. The expressionutopia is coined from Greek words and means “no place.” Note: Byextension, a “utopia” is any ideal state.My version of Utopia is a self-contained, self-sufficie...
Real Estate In Small BitesA lot of people would like to invest in real estate, but they just don'thave enough money.A "typical" investment property might be priced at $1,000,000.00 ormore, which is more than most people have.A down payment on that "typical" investment property might be$300,000.00...
Solo Practice?When I was a kid we had a family doctor. He had his office in a smallhouse. I don't know if he lived there or what.He "delivered" me and took out my tonsils. We went to him foreverything.Now, I have a family doctor whose practice is in a large "clinic"building next to a hospital. Wh...
In 53 weeks He'll Be Gone.The Liar-in-Chief was at it again last night. The State of the Union was pure fiction.Ben Carson said this morning that this kind of "dishonesty" cannot be tolerated.If the unemployment rate is so good, why are there less people working (the labor participation) than at ...
The Death of the QSR? Maybe NotIn the US, following WWII, there was a phenomenon: The rapid growthof the Quick Serve Restaurant (QSR) or as some people still call it, theFast Food Joint.Well, whatever you call it, it was a tremendous success. So much so thatthey were "popping" up in every city, t...
Bill Roberts, The Baby Boomer Retirement PlannerI'm not a financial Planner. A Financial Planner is usually an insurancesalesman or a stock broker. A wolf in sheep's clothing?I am a Real Estate Broker.I am also a Retirement Planner / Coach.For the last 50 years or so, my generation has relied upo...
Bomb Iran?I've never been a fan of Sen. John McCain but when he sang "Bomb,Bomb Iran to the tune of Barbara Ann by the Beach Boys (actually sungby Jan and Dean) he hit a very responsive note with me.Looking at all the trouble we have now from ISIS (the Shiite Moslemsbacked by Iran). I think we re...

Bill Roberts

"Baby Boomer" Retirement Planner
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Everything that the "Baby Boomer" needs to make sound financial decisions regarding real estate investing and retirement planning. Business Opportunities, self-directed IRA retirement plans, and mortgage strategies.