Financial Strategies by Bill Roberts

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Bill Roberts writes about everything you need to make informed decisions regarding your financial well-being from utilizing your IRA, to buying a business, to managing your mortgage for tax advantages and net worth, to investing in land and other investment real estate
Musings on the market by Bill Roberts.This week the 30 year mortgage rate spiked up to 4.5%. It was only 3.5% a short time ago.Most economic forecasts call for "growth" below what we know the inflation rate to be.ObamaCare kicks in this year. Businesses are saying they can't afford it. They plan ...
Would You Pick Up A Twenty From The Sidewalk?If you were walking along and you spotted a twenty-dollar bill on the sidewalk, would you stoop down to pick it up, or would you kick it out of your way?I would pick it up. I feel no shame for having this attitude.But everyday I encounter people that d...
Take the next step Now that you know how much money you need to retire, the next step is to come up with a plan to get it.I have two basic approaches to this problem, the "one hit wonder" and the elephant feast:The "one hitter wonder" is like the singer that has one big hit and manages to live a ...
Did you plan to fail? Or did you just fail to plan?Over 90% of Baby Boomers can't retire. They have less than two years worth of living expenses in their retirement plans.They either need to come to grips with the problem or resolve to work until they die.Not making a decision to do something abo...
Why Land? Why Now?That is the question for all time, because land is always the right (investment) answer.It is easy to maintain, the taxes are low (relative to unimproved property) and you don't have to deal with the Terrible "T"s.If you are looking far enough ahead, say ten years or more, and y...
Are We There Yet? That Is To Say, Can You Retire? By Bill Roberts, The Baby Boomer Retirement PlannerEvery day more of us reach what should be "retirement age."But only  about 5% of us can retire in the manner to which we have become accustomed. This is according to Fidelity, the world's largest ...
My New Retirement Plan by Bill Roberts, The Baby Boomer Retirement Planner. I just made a million dollars.No, I don't have it yet.But it's in the pipeline. I will get it.It might take ten years.But I will get it.It might be sooner. I don't know.  But I will get it. Several months ago an acquainta...
Are you motivated by points by Bill Roberts, the Baby Boomer Retirement Planner. Is your day structured around getting all the points you can? Or do you spend your day trying to make a living? Are these activities mutually exclusive? Not necessarily, but..... In the final analysis, can you spend ...
ActiveRain Is Moving On by Bill RobertsI just read Nikesh Parekh's (CEO of ActiveRain) announcement that Market Leader is being acquired by Trulia.It was deja vu all over again. I've seen this movie.I found the comment thread very interesting. I just had to comment myself.I left the following com...
San Diego ActiveRain Meetup at the Wyndham Vacation Resort at the Oceanside Pier is coming up ONE WEEK FROM TODAY. Set your calendar to block out Thursday, April 11, 2013 from 6 PM til at least 9 PM. All ARers from San Diego County are expected. This is a long overdue opportunity for all of us to...

Bill Roberts

"Baby Boomer" Retirement Planner
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Everything that the "Baby Boomer" needs to make sound financial decisions regarding real estate investing and retirement planning. Business Opportunities, self-directed IRA retirement plans, and mortgage strategies.