Financial Strategies by Bill Roberts

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Bill Roberts writes about everything you need to make informed decisions regarding your financial well-being from utilizing your IRA, to buying a business, to managing your mortgage for tax advantages and net worth, to investing in land and other investment real estate
You're FiredToday Donald Trump annouced that he is running for President.You may laugh, but I listened to his speech AND he sounds like thekind of guy I can support.In fact, he sounded as if he had read ALL of my posts. He was right ontarget about everything.It may be that he IS the right man at ...
FREE TRADE? Really?The other day the House of Representatives voted on a Free Trade billknown as the Trade Assistance Program (the TAA). It went down todefeat by both Democrats and Republicans. The vote was 126 to 302.This was cited as a failure for President Obama.The Democrats have taken the po...
So the Fed is going to raise rates? I don't think so. See why.I keep hearing that the Fed wants to raise interest rates from the nearzero rates that have been in place since 2008.I have argued that to do so would have devastating effects on oureconomy.Thank God someone is listening (only kidding ...
What Will Happen If Interest Rates Increase By One Percent?You hear a lot of talk about interest rates going up.They say that the Fed wants to increase rates.Retired people living on fixed-income investments would like a higherrate of return also. A lot of people pushing for higher rates.But, wha...
Do you worry about climate change?Do you know how a magician works?Do you even care?We have a lot of real problems. We have problems with our economy. We have problems in our big cities. We have problems in the Middle East. We have problems with Chinese and Russian aggression.And we have the prob...
My crystal ball is cracked? I don't think so.Recently I wrote about the upcoming crash. One of my commenterssaid he thought my crystal ball was cracked. It wasn't functioning.I had suggested that you should have a good supply of "REAL  MONEY"on hand. I suggested SILVER.Today Bank of America sent ...
Are You Ready For The Crash?  Yes, again.How much did you lose in 2008?Have you gotten it all back?Would you be better off if you didn't go through the crash at all?These are very important questions because we are getting ready foranother crash. But this time it will be worse.Instead of losing 5...
I Cannot Retire, YetMost of the Baby Boomer generation CANNOT RETIRE, EVER.The vast majority of us are on our own to provide for our retirement,and we're not doing very well.Our parents and grandparents had their retirement provided for themby their employers. They worked for a company that provi...
An open letter to Bob Crane The Tree GuyHi Bob, We have an interest in-common - TREES.Since you are a Silviculturist, a Forestry Manager, and an all aroundtree guy and I am a great believer in trees as the salvation of ourgeneration, I wanted to get some things off my chest and ask a fewpertainen...
This is such an important issue to all of us that I want to help Gene Mundt, Chicago-area Mortgage Lender - get the word out.    Important Reasons to Pay Attention to Credit and Credit Management                  My experience has taught me:  Way too many people don't spend enou...

Bill Roberts

"Baby Boomer" Retirement Planner
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Everything that the "Baby Boomer" needs to make sound financial decisions regarding real estate investing and retirement planning. Business Opportunities, self-directed IRA retirement plans, and mortgage strategies.