My Thoughts - Bo's BlogSpot

Title Insurance - Bell Title /Triserv LLC
Ruminations of all things title, sales, life and plain old whatever the heck I am interested in writing about!
The internet is awesome. Yeah, I got that. I love the fact that I can do so much in such a short amount of time. That I can touch so many and be touched by so many. The transparency that it creates and the ability to reach out to so many different people and build new relationships, receive infor...
Earth Day Celebration at Nashville's Centennial Park is always a success and this year was no exception. The day was beautiful, 70 degrees, slight breeze and just enough sun. My wife and I rode our bikes from our house to meet a friend downtown and we proceeded to ride to the park. It was about 5...
Our United States special forces, the United States Navy and specifically Navy Seals persevered and were successful in rescuing Captian Richard Phillips of the coast of Somalia after being held hostage by pirates for 5 days. It was a high dram affair that had many on edge internationally. Vice Ad...
Why do you....Blog that is? I used to get all excited about the prospect of blogging for points (admit it, you did too). It is hard not to notice your ranking every time you sign in. And then it became more about content and SEO /SEM and driving web traffic And then it became a social media exerc...
Ced Reynolds posted this piece today to shed light on a critical deadline for being compliant with the "GLB (Gramm, Leach Bliley) Red Flag Warning Procedures enforcement. On May 1st, which is now less than 6 weeks away, if a business is handling consumer sensitive information (social security num...
I started this series several months back and so would like resume by helping with the understanding of the actual process of what is involved in the ordering a title insurance policy. So let's start at the beginning. When a title ordered is placed a whole series of events have to occur to get th...
I am a title agent. I am in 50 states and I take a tremendous amount of pride in my work and I am with a company that shares the same philosophy. Do the right thing and try and do it better than anyone else. It is a simple philosophy. I work hard to make sure my clients are receiving the absolute...
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  Thomas A. Edison The road to success is paved with many, many hazards along the way. Every success story has hundreds, if not thousands of examples of what did not WORK before they achieved their success. To that end, success is n...
Time is a funny thing. We all have the same amount if it. The same 24 hours. The same 1440 minutes and the same 86,400 seconds every single day. What we do with them determines the degree to which we have can impact our lives and the lives of others. I have read that some consider time an illusi...
Got no checkbooks, got no banks, Still I’d like to express my thanks; I’ve got the sun in the morning and the moon at night. – Irving Berlin I stumbled upon this lyric this morning and thought of its appropriateness to our time now. it is from the song, "I Got The Sun In The Morning" by Irving Be...

Bo Hussung

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