Houses and More

Real Estate Agent - Tangletown Realty
Thoughts about houses, rentals, remodeling, staging, market trends, life, and more.
St. Paul like every other city has neighborhoods.  Being a St. Paul resident in my very core, albeit a new physical resident, I’m learning about the city like any other new resident.  I’ve always known about the houses, but not always about the city itself! Thomas-Dale is the official name for t...
                                                                                                      Starting January 26, it's party time in St. Paul, Minnesota!  The Ringling Bros. circus used to proclaim itself the biggest show on earth.  Well, St. Paul is proclaiming its Winter Carnival to be...
I took a class two years ago that taught the generational differences between oldsters like myself and youngsters in their early 20's and late teens.  The class was before my blogging days.  At the time it made sense.  The Cliff notes of the class was that the boomers and older base their busines...
Yesterday, the 13th, was my one year anniversary of blogging.  My very first entry was January 13, 2006.  I had no idea what I was getting into.  I marked 100 entries and then 200.  I talked about all kinds of stuff, some real estate related and some not.  I had fun with it.  I learned a lot abou...
         When you're done with being a gas station, what better thing to do than convert the station to a restaurant?  That's what Andy's Garage did and had a thriving business since opening in 2000.  This is the St. Paul location at Fairview and University Ave. W.  Well, this WAS the St. Paul lo...
Teresa called me yesterday complaining about lack of time and points  on Active Rain.  She is the Minnesota blogging queen and had close to a 4000 point lead while I took time off for the holidays.  For some odd reason she thought 4000 points was a safe distance.  I chuckled at our easy banter.  ...
Minnesota rental property owners have to issue a Certificate of Rent Paid to each of their tenants from 2006 by January 31, 2007.  The CRP is the State's way of rebating the property owners' taxes to the tenants.  I could get on a soap box about this redistribution of wealth program, but hey, I l...
I love Firefox.  I had tried it before, but wasn't ready to make the switch.  This last week I did the download once again and am really enjoying the speed and the tabbed browsing.  IE7 had a tabbed browser as well, but it was slow and cumbersome to work.  Firefox just jumps happily from tab to t...
Hmmm.  The welcome screen on our MLS had exciting news to share when we logged on this week.  Minnesota has created an MLS Data Sharing Co-op.  I guess for now I'll call it the Co-op since the 6 page introductory description was adamant to say "The Co-op is not an MLS, but a data sharing cooperat...
There are great thinkers who have vision and see the forest instead of the trees.  Then there are thinkers who apply what the great thinkers see to the tree itself.  I'm the "tree itself" person.  I envy great thinkers.  Great thinkers sometimes are so "heavenly minded they're no earthly good" bu...

Bonnie Erickson

local_phone(651) 389-4712
smartphone(612) 419-1829
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Thoughts about St. Paul houses, rentals, remodeling, staging, market trends, life, and more.