North Shore & Sunshine Coast Home Inspection Blog

Home Inspector - EKAN Home Inspection - CPBC #69177
Home Inspection tips specific to North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Gibsons and Sunshine Coast.
Yesterday I was at an acreage property that had been built for a specific purpose, that was, it was there to produce revenue for the owner. For that purpose it fit the bill perfectly. Upstairs rentable, downstairs suite. Detached double garage rentable. Two RV sites with hookups. Great landscapin...
The above photo is from a recently inspected multi-million dollar property in West Vancouver, Canada. The view is looking directly south. On a clear day you can see the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. Whenever I do an inspection with this type of outlook, I have to stop in my tracks, pause...
To all our southern friends, yes it's your great white northern neighbor (US spelling versus CDN spelling of 'neighbour', both versions offered here for clarity).To all of us Canucks, Happy Canada Day!
This week I already had a call from a client who was web surfing for home inspection services. Since I was out on a site, they spoke with reception and left their call-back info. When I returned their call, they replied with... "I don't need you anymore."  OK but ouch! Short but to the point.On t...
 Does your cabin have an amazing 'view deck'? If glass panels are used as your guard railing, then make sure that the glass is suitable for the task. Here's what you need to know...
A family friend is considering a vacation property purchase. She consulted with me as to what I would look for in a cabin or cottage. Like most of us, I'm always good for suggestions, especially when it is not going to cost me my hard earned savings. It did not take long to come up with my 'off t...
Photo: Black areas are wood rot so severe that the timber has the consistency of a sea sponge that you would use to wash your car.I'm the owner's engineer and a renovation project. In this case, the stucco was not properly face sealed and water has leaked in behind the stucco over 25 years. The a...
I am the owner's engineer on a new home construction. Better said, this is an estate, which I categorize as a residence well over 10,000 square feet.The most important aspect of the project is to set the budget. The owner has a set figure in mind. One of my early resonsibilities is to advise the ...
Ever admired a home with clay or concrete roofing tiles? In many countries, particularly in warm climates, the construction techniques are well established, considering they have been in use for centuries. However, not so in the great white north here in Canada or in some parts of the USA. Here's...
This post was inspired by my first RV purchase, a 2010 20 foot long tow-behind. Everything looked great. It had the new car smell (no, not mold or rot). Appliances spotless. But the seller did state that the electrical was not working and other than that he knew little about it as he was selling ...

Eugene Kanciar

Our Experience, Your Peace-of-Mind
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