Facebook is a place to connect, share, and grow your personal and professional networks. When you join Facebook, your first action is to create a profile by adding a profile picture, a small professional bio, a mixture of personal and professional photos, and some personal interests. After you b...
Some of the most brilliant ideas come from the simplest of places, an apple falling out of a tree, a child playing with a kite, the every day occurrence of a bird flying through the air. Elizabeth Redmond and her newest invention POWERleap, falls into this category it stems from the act of peopl...
Sometimes it is hard to visualize how the World Wide Web is interconnected, how one web site can lead to another and to another, and so on and so forth. For those individuals that are on the Internet all day every day it is a bit easier, because you experience it firsthand through the people you...
I am always impressed with people who see the world just a little bit differently than the masses. Those people that have an overactive imagination and are not afraid to use it. These are the people that give us the most useful and innovative resources, making our lives just a bit more interesti...
Established by two former commercial real estate brokers, Alan Bernier and Garrett Krueger, the idea for Rofo—which stands for Right of First Offer—came from their firsthand experience as commercial real estate brokers. While larger businesses typically had the people and resources on-hand to f...
Financial sector is in trouble again today, the Dow Jones industrial average down 460 points. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index has fallen 54 points, and the Nasdaq composite index fell 74 points. The big news makers are Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch, Bank of America, AIG, and the Fed buy up of $7...
The Fed to the rescue....?? This weekend Henry Paulson announced the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In Paulson's words "the housing downturn is at the heart of the economic downturn." Fannie and Freddie combined are projected to have $14 billion in loses. Fannie was able to r...
In a previous post Sexy Bluetooth I wrote about the Jawbone 2 Bluetooth headset and how necessity, function, and fashion can all merge together in one device. The Aliph company is the owner of the JAWBONE but the designer is Yves Behar and his company Fuseproject. Yves Behar is unique in that h...
In order to capitalize on the social networking phenomenon, you need to ask yourself some questions.... Who are you? What are you looking for? Where do you want this machine to take you? Why are you here? When will you have the time? How do you exchange your ideas? I am sure you know this but th...
So it looks like DIGG is changin it up a bit!?! Hallelujah! I am a DIGGer but I have not really DUGG as much as I should. The idea behind this site is great: "Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscu...