CRE For Business and Investment

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Commercial Real Estate Agent - Atherton Associates Commercial Brokerage
Where are we and what is the CRE outlook at the very beginning of this young New Year 2016?As the graphs make it clear, there is scarcely a relationship between fed rates and CRE values. Real estate values are tied to economic growth & job market expansion, PERIOD. My article on LinkedIn, along w...
   Today I attended our local Realtor Association's ( meeting where Fairfield First Selectman Michael Tetreau was the guest speaker. He is a most charismatic speaker and gave us a brief comparison of 4 different Connecticut towns: Fairfield, Greenwich, Westport, and West Hartford fo...
Today is an exciting day! The Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut has officially launched Care Network Link LLC. CNL is a wholly owned subsidiary which was formed to assist older adults in the entire state of Connecticut who may not be able to qualify for the Agency on Aging's traditiona...
I was helping a client re-examine the layout of her daughter's bedroom today when she asked me if I had noticed her daughter's little desk was not so cluttered. Indeed, she explained, a 4th grade friend had volunteered to give some order to the disarray on the desk: The pens and pencils stood upr...
This weekend, I spent a long time on-line searching for that elusive large kitchen cabinet organizer - and found I had to eliminate a lot before finding the few relevant. I wanted to share my findings to save others time and frustration: After all I am a Professional Organizer and care about Time...
Wondering what you can do with the family this weekend? Why not stop by the 12th Fairfield County Home and Outdoor Living Expo in Stamford. They have various fun activities for kids. Time & Place: Saturday and Sunday 11am to 5pm at the Crowne Plaza. Admission is $10 but you can click here for Fre...
I got a call around 8pm one evening from a soft spoken woman who said she had found my website on Google, liked what she read and wanted to consult about her long-overdue organizing project. I need help getting organized in Stamford, she explained - I have a special events cakes and pastries busi...
Being organized is not a static state. Paradoxically, order requires constant motion. It helps if you recognize these 6 organizing must haves if you are to remain on top of the job. It matters little whether you're organizing your bedroom closet, your filing cabinets or your daughter's school bag...
I am flummoxed! I published an article this morning on Active Rain which Google cannot see? The last time I checked, 12 hours afterward, a Google search still cannot find my post. Yahoo and Bing bring it up instantly, not Google. Normally, the SEO title is sufficient to instantly find the blog (i...
One of my very first clients in the Organizing Business was a very organized lady in Darien. She called me up around 10am. She needed a personal organizer to get her kitchen organized that same afternoon. I was the 5th person she had called from a list of professional organizers on FindMyOrganize...

Nilgun Foley

Realtor - Business and Investment Properties
smartphone(203) 577-9708
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