All consumers have the ability to correct mistakes on their credit report. However, home buyers must be aware of the effect that this may have on getting financing. This article provides important details on disputed credit accounts and the impact on Las Vegas home financing.Getting Ready for a R
For home listings owned by Fannie Mae, you may see a note about HomePath financing. These loans are strictly for Fannie Mae properties and come with a few great terms. The overview of HomePath loans for Las Vegas buyers in this blog includes the most key features of this program.HomePath Program
House repairs, big or small, may be surprisingly complex. Television shows make things seem so quick and easy that you may underestimate what is needed to complete your project. Whether you tackle it yourself or hire a company, here are a few common mistakes with Las Vegas house repairs to be
Interest rates have gone up since the start of 2015. Many experts predict that it is likely to go up even more during the year. This is critical news for prospective buyers. Interest rates rising in 2015 and what home buyers in Las Vegas should keep in mind is provided in this blog. Why Inter
Las Vegas Buy and Sell Real Estate Whatever your needs, whether you are buying your first Las Vegas home, are selling a home, or are Investing in Las Vegas real estate I can help! I look forward to helping you Relocate to Las Vegas. I can assist you with a variety of property types: residential
As a prospective buyer, you have the right to representation. Seller brokers have a legal obligation to protect their client. They will treat all home buyers honestly, but they must protect the best interests of their client before any others. As a buyer, you may have equal service and protection
Arina Hanciulescu is a Las Vegas realtor and real estate agent that knows the market. With more than a decade of experience selling homes in the Las Vegas, Nevada, area, trust Keller Williams Realty to make the most of your listing. When looking to buy or sell a home, you need someone
There is a lot to consider when planning a remodeling project. You must select features, products, colors, and more. You will also want the project to withstand wear and tear tp make your investment worthwhile. The following are a few Las Vegas property remodeling tips to help plan your ne
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When you are ready to sell your home, I'll develop a marketing plan to provide you with maximum exposure. This will alow me to maket your home to the widest segment of potential buyers. The more buyers you have viewing your home, the the opportunity to obtain top dolars. There are many methods to