It's Raining......ActiveRain

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Services for Real Estate Pros - ActiveRain
When Katerina joined ActiveRain on June 18th, 2007 there were already 44,000 members on the site. Since that time she has in many ways been one of our most successful bloggers. Her blog has been subscribed to by almost 2000 ActiveRain members. This level of engagement currently makes her the most...
I get it, getting 1000 points for a contest isn't really that important in the grand scheme of things. Getting a free community sponsorship on ActiveRain isn't really that important in comparison to feeding your family let's say. Heck, I wouldn't spend more time reading what I write than absolute...
Just about any 'how to be a better blogger' tip sheet you will come across suggests that people use lists in their blog. I can't be the only person out there who will click on a 'Top Ten (fill in the blank)' list when I see it. I think the reason I do it is because I want to see if the author's t...
This week I want to change gears a little bit and do an 'open mic' Rain Radio. We are going to hold the phones open and you can call in and ask anything your little heart desires. If I have the answer, I'll let you have it. (And if I don't have the answer, I'm not afraid to admit I don't have the...
In years gone by, if you were about to place a referral to someone in another state, or a part of your own state with which you were unfamiliar, what did you do? I bet a few of you out there would open the CRS book, page through until you found the area for which you were placing the referral, th...
If you don't know who Jay Thompson is, it's possible you haven't been marketing your business online very long. Had you been, you surely would have come across the Phoenix Real Estate Guy. Jay initially launched his real estate blog, The Phoenix Real Estate Guy, in May of 2005, predating the laun...
Since the day we introduced the concept of a featured board, which would reside on the home page of ActiveRain, there has been debate over the merit of featured posts. In the coming months, I will try to give you some insight into why we selected certain posts to be featured. Each time, I'll try ...
If you are new to blogging, or maybe you just got started in 2010, this is for you (although even if you've been at it a while and aren't having the success you wished for, this could help as well). We've been at this since 2006 and have seen thousands of potential bloggers come and go. Here are ...
Whether they choose to acknowledge it or not, most agents are doing a form of blogging every day. It's called email. When a client sends them a question via email, they take 10 or 15 minutes (or sometimes much longer) to respond to that person, giving them some of their valuable expertise. They s...
Have you ever had a client say "But Zillow said my house was worth.........." When we ask this question at RainCamp, it's not uncommon for more than half the hands in the room to go up. I have a little secret for you all.....Zillow isn't going anywhere soon, so it's in your best interest to under...

Bob Stewart

ActiveRain Ambassador
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