Just want to remind all of you to set your clocks back tonight. I once heard Paul Harvey many years ago talk about the reasons why we still observe daylight savings time and after a friendly dinner time discussion tonight I thought I would google the facts. Here is a great link that is interactiv
I am so ready for this election to be over. Never before have I been so worried or so scared about the outcome of an election. I feel that many Americans are voting on an ideal not merit. We are not considering who is best to be Commander in Chief. We have been swayed by the media that has made t
While reading the news online I read an artice by the Associated Press about Alan Greenspan being questioned about the current state of the economy, and he is quoted as saying that our current crisis is a "Once in a Century Tsunami" Really? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,443737,00.html Green