Great blog from Victoria Stankard.  If your already blogging on ActiveRain as a Rainmaker then you've seen the results yourself.  Every wonder why it works so well? Check it out this great post about GoogleBot.If you are SEO blogging for search engine placement, it would behoove you to know how G...
Seafood City Seattle – Home is where the Heart is and nothing ties it all together for immigrant Filipino-Americans to rekindle the feeling or being at home like authentic Filipino cooking! Details of what stores and restaurants have opened in this piece you will not find because that informatio...
Organic Traffic- SEO is not a vacuum.  There are only ten spots on page one on Google.  Are you on one of those ten spots? Do you have more than one of those ten spots? Do you have more than 8 of those ten spots?  The good news is that SEO is back, well, I never believed that it left. But many pe...
People frequently comment that they read my blog to learn what's happening in my market area.  Agents often ask why I blog. Simple.  Buyers and sellers normally begin their agent or property search on the Internet.  Many buyers and sellers have grown up with computers or have become computer lite...
  Active Rain and its staff have provided us with a resource equal to "Guaranteed Success". Now, of course this means that for it to work you have to work it.  That's the down and dirty truth about just about everything we do. We can talk the talk but to become successful we must walk the walk. I...
Sunshine, Sunshine!   RainCamp is making the trek to Florida, the Sunshine State!  We love you so much Florida that we are not doing one RainCamp but two!  Yes, you heard me right, two! Orlando you're up first.  We'll be there August 24th.  Reserve your seat today! Miami/Ft. Lauderdale it's your ...
  For the urbanite with a fishing bug, be sure to check out the Fishing Pier at Elliot Bay Park.  On the north end of the trail, pier 86 is where you'll find the 400 ft fishing pier which is well equipped with covered fish cleaning stations.  You'll likely be in the company of a couple locals who...

Anthony Van Vactor

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