~ Facebook Marketing Tips ~ I saw a reputable local biz implode on Facebook earlier this week because they refused to keep their personal politcal views off their FB biz page. All it took was a few comments, a few anti-comments, and their page was blowing up with a ton of negativity. They did not
~ Facebook Marketing Tips ~ It has been awhile since I have done a local contest through my FB biz page but I have been considering doing one now that autumn has arrived. In the past they have been a good way to increase local exposure and generate new leads. Any tips or advice from those who hav
~ Facebook Marketing Tips ~ There just never seems to be enough time to start something new, learn more about an application or process, or just perform routine tasks. It seems the more we try to get to that "thing" the more obstacles get in the way. Sound familiar? That happens in life and can c
Facebook Marketing TipsI am always a bit perplexed when I visit a Facebook Biz Page that has lots of activity but has no phone contact or website listed on the About tab. Now would be a great time to take a minute and go make sure you have made it easy for consumers to contact you and find your w
Facebook Marketing TipsFacebook has made a host of updates in the past few months to improve user experience and perform overall site clean-up. They always get a lot of flak when they make changes but I actually like their periodic updates. It means they are actively working on the site and tryin