Many new and second homeowner's use FHA loans. The market can be confusing and here are some helpful facts to help you in your home buying process. Qualified Lenders offer FHA loans, considered mortgages, and these mortgages are insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Many buyers sti...
Pittsburgh has been making headlines especially in the last two years. The city has done it again. Pittsburgh also has a strong university presence. There are over 12 Universities here in Pittsburgh. This equates to great employment opportunities and livability as these schools are large employer...
Are you considering the home buyer tax credit? If so you have less then 60 days to put your home under contract. With the new extension that took place last November, you now do not have to be a first time home buy to qualify. You do not even have to have your current home sold when purchasing th...
Time and time again the statistics are putting Pittsburgh in the top affordable places to live. There are a lot of things to see and do. Pittsburgh has strong technology and healthcare jobs. As a photographer, the city is a great place for a wide range of subjects. You could spend the day there -...
The strangest thing happened during the blizzard this weekend. Last night we had about 12 inches of snow when we let the dogs out before bed. They made quite a trail and then came in. So in the morning we got up and the trail they made was totally gone - no sign at all. There were some other trac...
It is really interesting to me to hear about other real estate markets and what things sell for around the country and the world. One of my favorite TV channels is HGTV. I love watching people compare and pick out houses. I also enjoy seeing how they decorate them after a few months of living the...
The housing market has had its ups and downs this past year, but if you live in Pittsburgh, PA or the surrounding area, you are in a great place. Pittsburgh never had a housing bubble and is expected to be number one this year with growth in the housing market. If you are not from the area and ar...
Hope you are keeping warm this season. This is the most snow that I have seen in my life over the Christmas season living in the Pittsburgh Area (or NJ where I grew up). It was so cold last night and the snow was glistening out the back door. So before heading up to bed I had to shoot some snowfl...
Many calls come in from first time home buyers not knowing where to start when getting ready to buy a home. Some are not sure how much they can afford or should afford. Here are some helpful tips: 1) One of the first thing to do is to locate an agent that you feel comfortable with and that has yo...
Today was the big day in Leechburg, PA near my office. The newly built McDonald's opened. As I drove by later in the afternoon today, the place was packed (not an open parking spot) and people were lined up around the building for the new double drive-in. On September 1, 2009 the old McDonald's o...