Hey Everyone! I just wanted to blog about this awesome product that helped me quit smoking cigarettes. Ewww! I am so embarressed to even admit I smoked for 25 years. Disgusting habit. Anywho, there have been numerous times I wanted to quit, and numerous reasons as well. I tried several times,
Hello my fellow Active Rainers! I just wanted to post a blog about a close friend and associate of mine. If you all have read my blogs, then you know I am always trying to help the public by putting out good honest information. This blog is intended to help my Realtor friends here on Active Rain
I recently went to the spa and had a wonderful day. The products they used really caught my attention because of the great feel of the lotions, the body spray, and the skin care products that cleansed, buffed and deep moisturized me really made me feel like a million bucks! I was surprised to kno
Time to start thinking about getting that special gift for that special guy. Father’s day is on the way and instead of getting that boring tie or coffee mug, I found a site that offers great gifts for men that will make him feel loved. Mary Kay offers these wonderful gift sets for him that are
Woman love walking down the skin care aisle at the local department stores. There are so many great affordable products to choose from. But majority of the time you don’t find what you are looking for. Solution? A lot of woman (and men) turn to companies like Mary Kay and Avon. You can find almos
While loan modifications are becoming very popular, many of you are turning to your lenders for help, which is the reasonable thing to do. The typical process would consist of you, the homeowner, filling out an application and supplying your lender with certain documents. You make a follow up c
I thought I would share my experience with Mary Kay mineral makeup. I have to say I was impressed with the size of the container, compared to the selling price. The powder seemed fresh very light and, gave a powdery feeling, like loose setting powder to my skin without a foundation underneath
This issue has to be addressed NOW! I hope this message clears it up for many of you out there scratching your heads. You know, it really amazes me how many times I get a call from someone who is struggling to pay their mortgage, and tells me they have talked to their lender or some other lo
How the Foreclosure Process Works. •Types of Foreclosure: Judicial Foreclosure •Types of Foreclosure: Non-Judicial Foreclosure •Right of Redemption in the Case of Foreclosure •Deficiency Judgments in Foreclosure Cases The Foreclosure Process: Understanding Foreclosures • Note: The following
Most people facing foreclosure think when writing a hardship letter, they need to make it as detailed as possible and end up writing a letter that is 2 to 3 pages long. Lender's do not want to spend a lot of time reading about your hardship. Which in turn means, you don't have to think so ha