If you had asked me I would have said that the auction would have been in an office, in a building, maybe in a courtroom. It wasn't. The residential property auction was held in Oregon City, on the Clackamas County Courthouse steps. I figured that auctions on the courthouse steps were obsolete, ...
Driving through Southeast Portland today I noticed the camelias are looking gorgeous. I saw bright red, white and pink blooms glowing in pale light. Their deep green leaves have been thoroughly cleaned by wind and rain, the storm that blew through last night. I felt a pang, and realized I misse...
Was going through my old copies of Preservation, the magazine published by the National Historic Trust, today - I am trying like crazy to get through the stacks of magazines I've been waiting for a chance to read! and I came across the July/August 2008 issue. There is a review of the book refer...
I was first tagged on Facebook, for 25 Random Things about me, and did it awhile ago. I hadn't seen it here on Active Rain until Anne Marie Malfi tagged me -- thank goodness she didn't ask me to tag 25 friends! Anne Marie said she hadn't ever been accused of being random -- have to say I have b...
Missy Gerber of Organizers Northwest sent this event notice to me -- and said to pass it on! They'd love to have a big turnout - and the event is certainly timely. You can shred all the receipts you don't have to keep for income tax purposes. You can shred all the tax info that is more than ...
I've been thinking about passion, meditating on the word and feeling, checking the dictionary, because I so often hear myself say, "oh, I love that!" And THAT might be a pair of shoes, a book, a painting, a house or a dinner with friends. I love You Tube, I love the internet, I love blogging; ov...
In 1854 my great grandmother, Elizabeth Ann Langworthy, was born in what is now Washington County, Oregon. She was 5 years old when Oregon Territory became a state. Thinking about the Oregon Sesquicentennial, I was doing math. How old would she, and the state have been at the time of her 1930 d...
I got an email from a friend the other day which featured the Pavement Artist. He's a guy who goes around the world - England, Germany, France, the United States, Mexico, Australia to mention a few of the countries where his 3-D sidewalk renderings have appeared. I had never heard of him. But...