Lake Arrowhead Elite Properties

Real Estate Agent - Rich Sellers Lake Arrowhead, CA (Coldwell Banker)
Premier Lake Arrowhead homes
A better understanding of what you are about -- your goals, your dreams, and your aspirations -- leads you to a better understanding of those around you. It is critical, therefore, that you be honest with yourself at all times. The moment you begin to deceive yourself is the beginning of the decl...
      A little long but interesting in how much it differs from everything we have learned. A must read item.   EXTRACT FROM DOUG COPP'S ARTICLE ON 'THE TRIANGLE OF LIFE'My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI ), the world'...
It's true. Money has no character, no personality, no values. Its actions only reflect the desires of its owner. Money can build great hospitals and schools, or it can be gambled away or squandered on meaningless possessions. Money may build museums to house beautiful works of art, it may constr...
We human beings are a complex lot. Many religious writings and great literary works are based upon the constant struggle between good and evil that goes on inside every one of us. This struggle is as old as mankind itself. Yet, while we recognize our own inner struggles, we are often quick to con...
    .                                                                        Always  important to watch what is going on behind the  scenes!   U.S.  Department of Justice   W E B   S I T E   C H A N G  E -   I M P O R T A N T  !             Little  by little the subtle changes come until one d...
There are no degrees of honesty. There are only absolutes. Either you are honest or you are not. Honesty does not come for a price; honesty is its own reward. It's also the most efficient form of human behavior. Honest persons never have to worry about which lie they have told to whom, and they n...
THE OIL CRISIS...> > A lot of folks can't understand how we came  to  have an oil shortage here in our country. > ~~~ > Well, there's a very simple answer.  Nobody bothered to check the oil. > ~~~ > We  just didn't know we were getting low.  The reason for that  is purely geographical. > ~~~ > Ou...
It would be unrealistic to expect an inexpensive, mass-produced watch to perform with the same degree of accuracy as a finely crafted Rolex. They are not made with the same quality of materials or with the same craftsmanship. Yet we somehow think that we do not need to give the same attention to ...
People of character do what they say they will do, when they say they will do it, and according to agreed-upon conditions. They are the leaders, the individuals to whom others turn for guidance because they have demonstrated that they care, that they can be trusted. If you respect yourself enough...
As the saying goes, "Birds of a feather flock together." We usually choose friends and business associates who like the same things we do, people who share the same values. If you choose happy, positive, productive companions, the odds are that you are or will soon become happy, positive, and pro...

Rich Sellers

Realtor DRE#01148405
smartphone(909) 553-1897
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Lake Arrowhead luxury lifestyle