Jennifer's Agent Solutions Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Agent Solutions
Welcome to the first in a series of weekly posts we will be writing, on Wednesdays, about WordPress called Wicked WordPress Wednesdays. I hope you will join in on the conversations, find the information useful and possibly subscribe for regular updates. For those of you that use WordPress, you kn...
  Lately, I have had numerous requests from people asking me what a Real Estate Virtual Assistant can do for them and how does it all work. A while back my friend, and partner in crime, Laura Monroe started a great series of posts to help answer these very questions. Below is Laura's first great ...
It's no secret that I am huge fan of WordPress and all that the platform has to offer as a stand alone blog or as a complete corporate web presence. One of the great things about WordPress is the ability to add "plugins" to increase the functionality of your site. Below is a list of my top 5 ess...
The buzz in the real estate marketing industry these days seems to be about these obscure looking images called QR codes. I was first introduced to QR codes about a year and a half ago at a local real estate meet up. I found myself quite intrigued with this concept, as I am with most new technolo...
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear people mention the term "Social Networking"? Does it interest or excite you, or is it your knee jerk response to run the other way? Social networking is something we all do whether we realize it or not. Have you ever gone out for dinner wit...
It's all the buzz lately and I'm sure you have one, or know someone that does. I'm talking about Facebook Fan Pages. I am on the internet most of the day every day for business and for personal interest and just about every site I go to has a link to a Facebook Fan Page. I am amazed at what can b...
Hey gang! It has been a while since I've blogged here at ActiveRain, but I do check in on my favorite AR blogs on a regular basis (when time permits). Alot has happened in the last year, personally and professionally and I have to say I am really excited about what lies ahead in 2010. My first bi...
I am excited to announce that this Friday, May 9th, 2008, I will be a guest on Real Estate Radio USA along side my colleague, and friend, Laura Monroe of Creative Agent . We have been invited to discuss the nitty-gritty details about Real Estate Virtual Assistants (REVA's) and how R...
As a Real Estate Professional, you probably spend a good part of your day, most days, concentrating on the revenue generating tasks of your business such as previewing homes, meeting with clients, showing homes, presenting offers and holding open houses, and if you’re not; you should be. The real...
If there is one thing you need to learn before you go into business it is never ever lose a contact’s details. Whether it was only an exchange of information, former partner or a potential client, it is vital that you keep details of all of your business dealings. That person you spoke to 10 year...

Jennifer Wilson

Agent Solutions
local_phone(403) 852-0923
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