This was a really informative article for me - it's not rocket science or even anything groundbreaking but good, straightforward information for not only real estate blogging but any blog. Since I have two of them - I can always use this sort of info!How to Create a Blog Post for Customers and S...
Comments The link above is from a guy I twitter with in Nashville. Most anyone who knows me knows how I love me some twitter (I'm @afreshspace). I love how many great blogs I come across and the info I learn about life and my indus...
Clutter is the downfall of most houses, and never is this more apparent than when a house goes on the market. As both a Professional Organizer and Home Stager, it's really amazing how much of my organizing skills I use when I stage. In fact, I'm surprised there aren't more stagers that are PO's...
One of the things I love about staging in occupied homes is that when I'm done, usually working hand in hand with the homeowner, the comments are usually something along the lines of "I wish I'd done this years ago" or "I don't want to leave now!". And why not? Why not do the things that need t...
I recently staged a contemporary 80's home that had a fabulous doorknob & door knocker. The only problem was that they were pitted and worn. They're by Baldwin and the knob was a mortise lock - which if you know these, involves lots of parts and space on the interior of the door. My initial th...
Usually when I go on a staging consult, it's an occupied house which generally means that personal items have accumulated in the home such as family photos, toys, prescription bottles, calendars, religious or political items, etc. These are the kinds of things I recommend removing as the main go...
Thanks to @timTech & @PaymanBenz on Twitter for this terrific resource for new home buyers. The potential of velociraptor attacks is not generally known. For your own protection and those of your buyers, please read the following information: The main information ...
Thanks to Julie Roads on Twitter (@writingroads), and Ron Miller (@Ron_Miller), here's some tips on twitter. I know twitter has been a hot topic here on the Rain and, while I happen to love it, I know it's not for everyone. Many of the comments I hear have to do with questions of what to tweet ...
Came across this blog post on twitter from Sugar Pine Realty/GMAC Blog. It's from last year but every time I talk with a realtor about blogging - the number one comment I hear is, "But, what do I blog about?" For many blogging realtors this isn't an issue but I think when you first get started ...
I'm very excited - I was asked to teach a staging seminar for the fabulous people out at Selection Center in Nashville. The Selection Center is a one-stop shop for everything from closets to appliances to granite to tile and more. They are having an realtor open house on Tuesday, April 28th fro...