Home staging...when I was growing up home staging likely meant that us kids had made a stage in the garage or basement and were putting on plays and shows for our parents (who were pretending to enjoy it)! Today it is supposed to mean making a home show in the best light possible by tastefully fu
Over the weekend I showed a very nice home to a client. We have been trying to NOT get involved with the short sale/foreclosure fiddle-de-de...and concentrated our efforts on the "old-fashioned" seller-is-in-control deals. (We have a short sale offer out there that was written on Halloween...but
I have to vent...about vents! Well...not really vents, but air intakes (or whatever you call them) in homes. It's hard enough to find a home that is a traditional sale in this ever increasingly ODD market (meaning not a bank owned or short sale)...but I found a really cute home for some nice clie
Have you or someone you know been sitting on the fence about buying a home? IT'S TIME TO GET OFF THE FENCE! There is still time to get your home purchase completed and receive a HUGE amount of cash in your pocket. This is NOT a tax deduction...it is a TAX CREDIT! You can go here and learn more ab
Well....the simple answer is "I DON"T KNOW WHY". Sellers in today's market should be as flexible as possible when an agent wants to preview or show their home. I have had a very frustrating experience regarding one particular home. Yesterday was the THIRD day I have tried to get into an owner oc
Well...again I feel a bit like the barn door was closed after the cows got out...but Florida Company Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mortgage Corp. (TBW) was CUT off today. From what you may ask?? From originating and underwriting new FHA-insured mortgages! If you have not been paying attention...FHA l
Here we are in the middle of what many consider the "worst" real estate market most of us can remember. Well...in some ways this may be true...but there is a flip side to me. If nothing else this market has hammered home a lesson that, sadly, I have had to learn more than once to really LEARN it
Again I have to ask...'What's up with this"? For the most part, who were the first people to "bail" either through a short sale or foreclosure? You are RIGHT if you said the folks who probably should not have been given the loan to begin with. Largely sub-prime borrowers. Now we see foreclosures
OK...I like to think of myself as a...well... technically forward girl. I have had a computer since DOS (prior to Windows for those of you who are too young to remember!). I had a cell phone when it was a BRICK in my purse. I even sold pagers and mobile phones in the late 80's when only a select
Well...After posting my very first blog yesterday I have found that AR is already becoming an addiction! I have spent hours reading and learning from all of the nice folks who are part of this community. How fun! My husband came in to my office about 1:30 AM and asked what I was still doing up. I