WHAT? It kinda sounds like"Lions, Tigers and Bears"! And in some ways, just about as scary! It brings home the old saying, "If you only knew what you don't know". Last Friday was the long awaited RE BarCamp (#rebcphx) at the Scottsdale Stadium. This is an event that is TOTALLY created and present
How do you support search dogs you ask? Easy. EAT! That is right...EAT! North Valley breakfast spot Scramble (http://www.azscramble.com/talk_about.html) is giving back tonight and the charity is one I love. Arizona Search Dogs have assisted in nearly every mayor disaster in the last few years. My
When folks hire an agent to list and market their home...they should take the advise the agent gives them. Seems like a no-brainer right? Well...sometimes no matter how much you try to educate your seller clients, they still have to "help". Recently, I had a very nice home listed which had the du
Only time will tell. The Phoenix real estate community is jumping up and down with all the GOOD NEWS...but is it really the truth? I have a hard time thinking it is. The figures are the truth...as numbers don't lie. (Even though my friend has a favorite saying... "Figures don't lie...but liars fi
Well...I can say I am in the middle of what seems like a perfect deal! GO ME! I have fabulous clients purchasing a very nice home in the Scottsdale area...and the sellers are lovely people as well. As if this were not enough...we are blessed to have a listing agent who knows her job and does it w
PAPER, PAPER EVERYWHERE!! I love the idea of a "paperless office"...and I have tried to adopt the electronic world for the last 20+ years. Really! I got my first computer in I think 1986...years before many of my friends had home PC's. I even remember some DOS language...no matter how hard I have
If you are 100K plus underwater in your homes value...do you think it would be a good idea to further encumber the property? Aurora Bank thinks so. I was on a call with a client when she contacted her bank yesterday to see about what options would be available for her to stay in her home. She is
IT'S COMING!!! Another RE Bar Camp. I will not go into the reason it is called RE Bar Camp...but just know this is a really exciting day for all those in the real estate industry...and also a really unconventional way to learn. A LOT. In ONE day! This is a sharing, teaching, learning, socializing
The typical way that it works with banks is that they lend money giving the consumer an interest rate based on their perceived credit worthiness. What if agents could "rate" banks based on their performance in completing loan modifications and short sales? Hummm...that would be FUN! I am not a re
I have heard the phrase "It's like trying to herd cats" twice in the last couple of days. I like this saying. And it seems to me that it is the perfect description of the life of a Realtor in the FUN market we are experiencing...at least here in sunny Arizona. It can relate in a number of areas b