Each month and season brings new wonderful changes that keep our lives ever changing. My newsletter offers tips for maintaining our homes in tip top shape, as well recipes and many other useful tips we can use to make our busy lives just a bit easier and sweeter. I hope you find some useful infor
Buyer's FAQs: The information in these answers is given only as a guide and is not a guarantee and may not apply to every situation, as each case is unique. It is the consumer's responsibility to familiarize themselves with their own set of circumstances. Q: Will I lose my deposit if I change my
If you have an alley next to your house it may your responsibility to keep it clean and free of weeds and trash that can somehow mysteriously just happen to appear out of nowhere! Last I checked someone had left a pair of black sweatpants right by the gate leading to my alley! A clean and weed-
Helpful hints and advise to help you stay organized and on track at home!! http://www.homewarranty.com/pdfs/signup/6852-English.pdf
When you're selling your house you have to think of it as a "product" that buyers would want to buy. It will be a pruduct that will be competing with other houses on the market.The way we live in our homes and the way we sell them are two different things. You prepare the home by de-personalizin
See more pics & details by clicking link below.... http://www.postlets.com/res/632776
Click the link below to see more phots & other details... http://www.postlets.com/res/640483
For more photos & details see link below.... http://www.postlets.com/res/640378
It's hard to imagine how things would be if it wasn't for these laws!!http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/aboutfheo/history.cfmMay we not forget to remember the positive difference EACH one of us can make to uphold these vital & great achievments. Smiles! :)