Chicago January purchasing index and consumer confidence both came in weak this morning. This combined with the debt crisis in Europe has caused rates to drop again. Below is today's trading and the blue line heading upward is a sign of rates improving. The chart below it illustrates that mort...
WOW! Mortgage rates have seen a large drop in the last two days. Europe still is in turmoil making investors nervous. As a result they found mortgages appealing as a safe investment which cause mortgage rates to drop. If you want a free quote contact us today. san diego mortgages - san diego m...
As our lawmakers try to over regulate the mortgage industry the great ideas keep on coming. 20% down payments could be required with new QRM initiative. The Qualified Residential Mortgage initiative has been studied by the Center for responsible lending and they found that it could hurt buyers....
Current mortgage rate trends remained flat today. No real new news to deliver. In coming weeks rates are expected to get worse and then get better. If you are closing on your loan within 15 days I suggest you lock. If you have more that 15 days I suggest you float. Contact us for more informa...
Current mortgage rate trends are deteriorating. Employment seems to be improving and manufacturing companies are optomistic about economic improvement over the next six months. Good news about our economy is bad news for mortgage rates. However, Europe still has economic woes and experts belie...
First Priority Financial has been patiently waiting for the economy and mortgage reforms to find the most dedicated, educated and serious loan officers. If you are one of these you have a great opportunity. We are not like any other company and I can prove it. Below is a sampling of the basic...
Adopt My Mortgage! Home ownership is not only the American Dream, it’s also the largest investment most of us ever make. Yet, most homeowners fail to implement a system to take advantage of future rate and/or payment saving opportunities. That’s why we provide our free Mortgage Under Management s...
Mortgages sold as investments (MBS) are in strong demand. This strong demand by investors is driving mortgage rates lower this morning. There is an increase in the cost of getting a loan as of yesterday. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must raise the fees they charge banks which will amount to roug...
Current mortgage rate trends are improving as Europe keeps struggling to fix their economy. The bad economic news makes investors nervous about buying stocks so they flock to bonds. When bonds are bought heavily it causes mortgage rates to drop. There are signs of the US economy improving but w...
While vacationing in Lake Tahoe I picked up a real estate magazine and found a home for only $95,000 near the lake. I couldn't believe it either! Home is in pretty good shape. If you have ever wanted a second home or wanted a cash flowing investment property you may be able to find it now while...