Just in from the Desk of Bill Hinkle RHA of Puget Sound Washington State- Governor Jay Inslee's newly released budget proposal includes a repeal of B&O tax exemption for long-term rental of commercial real estate. Repeal of the exemption would enact a new B&O tax at the service and other
Dollars and ‘sense’ from Seattle property Manager Who would pass up a deal like that- $5 back in exchange for $1 given! Who would pass up a deal like that- $5 back in exchange for $1 given! They say if something is too good to be true, it isn’t. But if you own rental property, I can show you exac
Our spring community project this year is to sponsor a West Seattle Little League team! Many of us played on little league teams when we were kids, and know the huge value they provide in teaching skills, teamwork and camaraderie. Also, as an active sport, it's a great outlet for kids in the spri
Seattle Property Manager is Focusing on Water Conservation through Sub-metering Water sub-metering has been proven to decrease water consumption by as much as 8,000 gallons per unit per year according to the USEPA In a three year study by the “National Multiple Family Submetering and Allocation
RD House is working alongside Seattle Property Management industry groups to support or oppose key issues during this legislative session. Among these are: Opposition to HB 2564/SB 6321- regarding sealing records of unlawful detainer actions (motions of tenant eviction) filed but not actioned
DO Your Tenants Read their Lease? do they understand it! Happy Tenants makes great Renewals. If your trying to grow your business you need to work on having 25-40 Percent renewal business I cant say this more! Do you know how to answers the following? take the time RD House Real Estate & Proper
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What to know about city and business licensing requirements for rental properties around Seattle Metro Area RD House Property Manager Helps This is a common question we get- do I need a business license if I have rental property? The short answer is- yes. Most, if not all, jurisdictions re
West Seattle Block Watch Captains has had enough with Mail Theft! Last Night West Seattle block watch captains gather together at the West Seattle Southwest Precinct to take a bite out of mail theft crime more than 40 people filled the room to listen to the US Postal inspectors talk as well as
Seattle Property Manager saved Over $300.00 a Month by taking the test. Green is the thing! As more properties begin to implement green technology, it may be time to take an inventory of your properties and see where you can implement energy saving measures. While green technology is being imple