ActiveRain Success Stories
Katrina Cole, Inlanta Mortgage, Business Development Manager (The Jonathan Arnold Team of Inlanta Mortgage)
said over 11 years ago,
"ActiveRain is a great place that brings professionals together to share their knowledge while building their relationships as well business. Everyone measures success in a different way and I have to say that the interaction and knowledge I have gained on this site is true success in the making. I have slacked off a bit with my blogging lately and am still being contacted about my posts here on ActiveRain
I have started a new venture in the mortgage industry and have continued to use ActiveRain when working with my Real Estate Partners. The amount of leads and traffic that come off of the postings are excited and in many cases the posts show up in the top of Google VERY quickly. I just cannot say enough about how beneficial ActiveRain has been for me and those I work with.
Rick Pearse, Rick Pearse
said over 11 years ago,
"ActiveRain is a compatible with the average and above average blogger."
Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400, Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome ( HomeRome Realty 410-530-2400)
said over 11 years ago,
"Blogging on Active Rain, for me, started in 2006. The friendships, connections and referrals have been a huge benefit to my clients. My presence in the Baltimore area and around the country has greatly increased. It has been a lot of fun, educational and the motivating factor for writing my published book: "Real Estate the Rome Way" When I want to do something really special for a fellow agent, an invitation to Active Rain is my gift."
Brad McDaniel, Entrepreneur at heart! (Market Leader)
said over 11 years ago,
"My ActiveRain Success Story! More test content..
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Aenean fringilla varius tempor. Fusce velit lacus, auctor sit amet mollis vel, vehicula a nisi. Nam at lacus ultricies, dignissim leo congue, laoreet elit. Aenean vel aliquam lorem. Duis vestibulum tristique dolor quis lobortis. Phasellus vel lacinia lorem. Vivamus vel molestie erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis eget ligula id ante euismod viverra sit amet vitae lectus. Integer faucibus id nibh ut tempor. Maecenas auctor neque in porttitor facilisis. Sed sed leo nec dolor venenatis accumsan. Aliquam aliquet, orci id elementum euismod, mauris mi ultrices neque, eu facilisis nisl massa quis nisi. Pellentesque venenatis dapibus metus, eget porta velit luctus et. Vivamus eleifend quis augue sit amet cursus. Sed lacus lectus, feugiat eget pellentesque eu, sollicitudin et felis."
Jeff Stevens, Jeff Stevens, Associate Broker/REALTOR (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New Mexico Properties)
said over 11 years ago,
"My ActiveRain success story? I started blogging on ActiveRain back in February of 2013. I had never written a blog before so it took me a while to figure out what I was doing and what my blog should look like etc. Then one day, out of the blue, I received a call from a Realtor® in Austin, TX. I won't mention his name. (Bob Ratliff) Bob, er, I mean the Realtor®, introduced himself and stated that he came across my name in ActiveRain and wondered if I was willing to do a referral agreement for a possible buyer coming to my area. I couldn't believe it! ActiveRain, after only 2 months, is responsible for my first referral. Very exciting for this new Associate Broker! Looking forward to the next one...Let it Rain!"
Byron Duerksen (Housecheck Inspection Services)
said over 11 years ago,
"I became aware of Active Rain several years ago when I received an Email from a great Realtor Who had recently used me for the first time, Dave Roberts. He Informed me he had written a complimentary article about me on active Rain. It was extremely complimentary and soon followed up by the lady who bought the home I had inspected, hers also very nice.
With permission from Dave I posted it on my extremely lengthy and informative web-site. With in a very short period of time it was sending me new business and has never stopped doing so. Dave's blog has sent me thousands of dollars in fees, some being commercial as last weeks 6 - 1 Bedroom cottages plus 2 nice homes all on the same very large property.. 2 full days inspecting and 8 reports later his blog posted on my web-site produced a large check."
Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA, Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS (Independent architectural histor'n)
said over 11 years ago,
"People often tell me that when they looked for a Realtor© specializing in selling older and historic homes, my name was the only one that came up for Delaware, Cecil County, Maryland, and Chester County, Pennsylvania. I attribute this to not only 24 years in the business, but to the high Google rating my Active Rain blogging has achieved for me."
shama sharma
said over 11 years ago,
"Communication is vital part of our lives be it personal or professional. With stiff competition ruling the markets, it is crucial for the businesses to communicate well internally or externally. Internal communication refers to the communicating within the organization. This type of communication is done among employees in the company. However, on the other hand, external communication refers to the communicating with the clients and stakeholders. External communication is tough to carry because it always has to make sure that at any stage, they are not disappointed. In case if failure of internal communication, it can develop dissatisfaction among employees and can hamper their productivity. It ultimately affects the organization leading to poor revenues.
Liz Dobbins, Now is the Time to Sell! Call 623.826.1981 (My Home Group)
said over 11 years ago,
"Active Rain has provide me with a wealth of information over the years. I have used the referral service more than a few times and it has proven very helpful to my clients and I. I look forward to a very prosperous future with Active Rain.
Thank you Active Rain!"
Stefany Blount, Please, call me Stef. (MRG.NYC)
said over 11 years ago,
"Active Rain has helped me foster new relationships with agents nationally and internationally. I have a team everywhere I travel for work or pleasure. The referral network have proven to be an integral part of my membership on Active Rain. The blog posts and sharing of experiences let's you know you that the crazy things that happen in our business is a shared experience. Currently, I am using my Active Rain blog to showcase my listings world-wide. As a buyers agent, I need the support of qualified seller agents who have a solid knowledge of their property to help me sell it to my clients. A real team effort.
I have now started my new company and I look forward to using active rain to grow my business and meet new colleagues world wide."
Richard Iarossi, Crofton MD Real Estate, Annapolis MD Real Estate (Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
said over 11 years ago,
"3/26/10 Yesterday I attended a CE class here in Maryland. There was about 60 students and the class was on Short Sales and Foreclosures. At one point during the class the instructor said "if you really want to get a lot of information on real estate, you have to go to www.ActiveRain.com. You should have seen the number of students writing that down. I'm way ahead of them on that count.
I've seen a lot of posts on Active Rain touting the degree of success getting referrals from other members. This is usually because the recipient practices out of a highly sought after destination point. While I serve a very attractive area for incoming relocations, I would be hard pressed to say that it's a sought after national destination point.
Recently, I was contacted by another Active Rain member with a listing referral in my area. I've commented on her blogs and she's commented on mine and after a while a connection gets made. I look forward to putting this listing on the market soon and paying a referral fee.
This Active Rain stuff really does work."
Aaron Vaughn 830-358-0455 (Conifer Builders LLC)
said over 11 years ago,
"I had a call yesterday from a young man who drove by a local neighborhood and saw the signs, so he went home, searched the neighborhood on Google, and my market reports for that neighborhood were at the top — above the builder and HOA websites! Needless to say, he called me! Thanks ActiveRain!"
Potranco Realty, "Sold with Potranco Realty" (Potranco Realty)
said over 11 years ago,
"ActiveRain has been beneficial to my real estate career helping me to rank in my market area, giving me the tools and information needed to successfully blog neighborhoods data that buyers and sellers will find useful. The ActiveRain community welcomes all, just starting our or old members you'll find many Rainmakers willing to extend a helping hand. If you want to know more about ActiveRain please feel free to contact Bob Ratliff 512-587-5689 and I'll be more than happy to extend my knowledge why I trust and use ActiveRain daily to expand my brand and business closings."
Janis Borgueta, Retired RE Salesperson
said over 11 years ago,
"I was invited to guest blog only after three months on ActiveRain. I was invited by Dale Seigel to write a blog about "Living in Orange County NY". Her blog is "Diaries of a Mad Mortgage Broker". She has a weekly series of Real Estate info and locations. I wrote about Living in the Hudson Valley, and I was found on ActiveRain.
I was only on ActiveRain for about three weeks when a potential client saw me on the internet. She gave me a call for a rental in the area that had been on the market for about three months with another agent and not rented. She liked my internet presence she told me! I could not believe that I was found! Just a small rental, but we all know that one leads to the next and the next. The condo will be going up for sale next summer. For now we rented out rather quickly, and I have a success story here on AR. Not to mention a new rental part to add to my business. Ever since I added this rental to my website I get calls all day.
I recently met with a client that was looking to rent a townhouse in a community I frequently blog about. My office has new listings there and I have been blogging about the community and why it is such a great location to live. Since I do write about the location I get quite a few calls about most everything in this community. It has worked well, as I get almost any and all calls you can imagine. Everything from when is the pool going to open and can you please change a light bulb. I even had a local insurance company call to find out if a home was a townhouse, condo or single family home. My point is that they are all calling. When anyone pulls up anything about this community I am the number one go to person for that community. My client came to look at the rental and she asked me why I came up for so many things. She wanted to know if I could also sell her a home next year, as the rental is temporary. That is all good. I write about the amenities and proximity to NYC and describe the location and what else is nearby. I am currently working on a video too. This is all rather simple to do, but worth the efforts."
Christopher Walker, Local Broker and Realtor - Hemet & San Jacinto, CA (Mission Grove Realty Inc.)
said over 11 years ago,
"Active Rain has allowed us to connect with so many agents and clients. Without Active Rain, the number of connections and friends we have made over the past few years would have taken a lifetime. Gaining additional knowledge in this real estate market is only a click away."
Robert The Earl of Real Estate, The Earl of Real Estate (St Pete LUXE Living Group)
said over 11 years ago,
"ActiveRain has been a success for The Earl of Real Estate Team & Charlottesville Choice Homes in two ways. One, it allows us to highlight the Northern Virginia Real Estate Market with a focus on the direct areas and communities that we serve. Potential buyers let us know that they found us on ActiveRain and Sellers can see the exposure that their properties get by being spotlighted on ActiveRain. Two, we get to connect with other agents and relocation buyers from around the country and the world. Bottom line, ActiveRain and The Earl of Real Estate Team are a winning combination."
july2 pham
said over 11 years ago,
"test test test"
Duane Murphy, Broker- Owner-Real Estate - (Expert Real Estate Partners LLC)
said over 11 years ago,
"I almost don't want to share this but two days after activating my profile and taking time to edit my information I received a call from someone wanting me to list his property. I am happy to say that we are now closing on his property soon. Thank you Active Rain! After being on Active Rain and starting to get more active I have noticed every time I "google" myself or my website that I am now showing up first page consistently. It should only be a matter of time before I have another success story that I can attribute directly to Active Rain. It does take a bit of time to get your "points" going so that you show up a bit higher in the search results but I figure that with anything that takes time if you stay persistent the payoff will come. I almost hope that no one else in my office finds out how well this is starting to work. Don't need to help the "competition" level the playing field!"
Gloria Todor, & Doug Durren (484) 431-3686 in SE PA (Premier Property Sales & Rentals)
said over 11 years ago,
"Success for me is the renewed energy ActiveRain has given me to continue my career as a Realtor. Last summer prior to becoming a Rainmaker I had my doubts that I was going to continue in real estate since our business took a hit like so many others...then out of nowhere in the early Fall I received a call from AR asking me if I wanted a trial period as a Rainmaker. For a few bucks I said sure. Then I spoke at length with Jeremy Blanton (on staff at the time) and he put an interesting twist on how to use AR, by suggesting that I write about businesses in my area, “become the expert of my territory”. That one conversation opened up the blogging world to me and its possibilities in this changing world of on-line interactions. I was hooked.
Other successes for me are how I am becoming more focused, and my increased ability to write/post on a relatively regular basis. Writing was never a strong point for me, so blogging seemed to be for those who were gifted with the ability to write, but I realize now that that is not a prerequisite to having a blog.
I must say I am truly enjoying the “community” aspect of AR, being part of an online community with other real estate professionals is an experience I had never imagined possible . AR is enabling me to make connections with people all over North America and provides me with a wealth of knowledge from my colleagues. I am confident that our business will grow because of my involvement with AR. All I can say is, if you had asked me last summer if I would be hooked on blogging I would have laughed. (Written by Gloria)"
Martha Brown, Your Homes Around Annapolis Agent (Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc., Annapolis MD 21403)
said over 11 years ago,
"An agent from the Washington DC area contacted me from my blogs on Heritage Harbour. he had a client whose Mother needed to sell her townhouse. I connected and sold her Mother's home in 3 days. She was estactic. Her Mother is now living near her so they can be closer together."