ActiveRain Success Stories

Kimberly A Norgard (Devlin McNiff Halstead Real Estate): Real Estate Agent in East Hampton, NY Kimberly A Norgard (Devlin McNiff Halstead Real Estate) said about 13 years ago,
"As a "newbie", I was active on Active Rain for less than a week before I received a call from a rental client wanting to rent his home for the summer season here in East Hampton, our prime time where rental listings can be very profitable and where the rental can turn into a sale. At first I wondered if the call was from somewhere outside my area, but as it turns out, the landlord lives within two miles of my home. Right off the bat I felt I had, not only a new rental listing, but a potential for a long-term relationship. --Kim Norgard"
Computadoras Los Angeles (Kaizen): Title Insurance in Los Angeles, CA Computadoras Los Angeles (Kaizen) said about 13 years ago,

computadoras los angeles
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reparacion de computadoras en los angeles"
Brian Church (Ward Wight Sotheby's International Realty): Real Estate Agent in Monmouth, NJ Brian Church (Ward Wight Sotheby's International Realty) said about 13 years ago,
"We've been blessed with a very successful track record in a competitive industry; but we don't want to rest on our reputation. We're only as good as the service that we offer you today. ."
Debbie White, I Sell Alaska! (Southeast Alaska Real Estate): Managing Real Estate Broker in Juneau, AK Debbie White, I Sell Alaska! (Southeast Alaska Real Estate) said about 13 years ago,
"Active Rain has really helped my business by showcasing me as the one who truly knows my market area!"
Johan Borge (Texas Capital Real Estate, LLC): Real Estate Agent in Austin, TX Johan Borge (Texas Capital Real Estate, LLC) said about 13 years ago,
"I have connected with thousand of Real Estate professional this ones of the most active sites I have found that work for your business."
Pivotal Labs (Pivotal Real Estate): Real Estate Agent in Atka, AK Pivotal Labs (Pivotal Real Estate) said about 13 years ago,
"I just joined!"
DEAVERAUX BERRY (MPR&ASSOCIATES,LLC): Services for Real Estate Pros in Southfield, MI DEAVERAUX BERRY (MPR&ASSOCIATES,LLC) said about 13 years ago,
Immobilien Florida Kirsten Prizzi (AC Global Realty): Services for Real Estate Pros in Cape Coral, FL Immobilien Florida Kirsten Prizzi (AC Global Realty) said about 13 years ago,
"Immobilien Cape Coral, Immobilien Fort Myers, Immobilien Fort Myers Beach, Immobilien Estero, Immobilien Sanibel Island, Immobilien Captiva, Immobilien Bonita Springs, Immobilien Bonita Beach, Immobilien Naples, Immobilien Marco Island, Immobilien Florida, Immobilien USA, Immobilien Amerika,,

Kirsten S. Prizzi
Geschäftsleitung | Immobilienmaklerin
Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien
Mitglied im BBF (Business Broker Florida)

Telefon: 239-248-1667

Kirsten absolvierte in Hamburg eine Ausbildung zur Kauffrau der Wohnungs-und Grundstückswirtschaft mit Weiterbildung zur Immobilienfachwirtin an der Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein. Nach einigen Jahren in der Immobilienverwaltung und Projektentwicklung im Bereich Wohnimmobilien wechselte sie in den gewerblichen Immobilienbereich mit dem Schwerpunkt Büro- und Einzelhandelsvermietung sowie Standortmarketing.

Zwei Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung siedelte Kirsten von Hamburg nach Berlin über, wo sie für deutsche sowie auch amerikanische Projektentwickler und Investoren erfolgreich die Vermarktung namhafter und historischer Projekte wie das Quartier 206 der Jagdfeld Friedrichstadtpassagen und das Amerikanische Business Center am Checkpoint Charlie leitete. Hier bot sich für Kirsten die Gelegenheit mit namhaften amerikanischen Architekten wie Pei Cobb Freed & Partners in New York sowie vielen US Geschäftspartnern zusammen zu arbeiten.

1998 wanderte Kirsten dann in die USA nach Naples und später Fort Myers aus, wo sie seitdem erfolgreich und gewissenhaft mit nationaler und internationaler Klientel Wohn-und Gewerbeimmobilien handelt und zwischenzeitlich ebenso erfolgreich ihre US Maklerlizenzen bis zum selbständigen Broker ablegte. Im Frühjahr 2006 gründete Kirsten, AC Global Realty, LLC.

Im April 2006 erhielt Kirsten unter Beibehaltung der Deutschen auch die Amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.

Neben dem Verkauf von Wohn-und Gewerbeimmobilien und Ferienvillen bietet Kirsten Ihnen einen Rundum Immobilienservice wie z.B. An-und Verkauf, Hausverwaltung (AC Global Property Management Lee County, LLC) sowie die Vermietung Ihrer Anlageimmobilien und Ferienobjekte. Ob in Golfanlagen, direkt am Strand, am Kanal mit Segelbootzugang, am Fluss oder am See gelegen, mit privatem Pool Kirsten kann Ihnen alle im Umfeld angebotenen Objekte, auch die anderer Maklerbüros, anbieten und Ihren Traum von einer Immobilie in Florida verwirklichen.

Die Maklergebühr wird beim Kauf einer Immobilie in Florida vom Verkäufer bezahlt. Es enstehen dem Käufer keine Maklerkosten!

Kirsten ist Mitglied im BBF (Business Broker Florida) und bietet Ihnen einen diskreten Firmenverkauf & Unternehmensverkauf in Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Pine Island, Lehigh Acres, Sanibel Island, Bonita Springs, Bonita Beach, Estero, Naples & Marco Island – Südwest Florida.

Kirstens' Einzugsgebiet umfasst: Immobilien Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Cape Coral, Sanibel Island, Captiva, Estero, Bonita Springs, Bonita Beach & Naples.,,"
Darrel Gomez, RainMaker (G5 Realty Group/ Keller Williams): Real Estate Agent in Rancho Cucamonga, CA Darrel Gomez, RainMaker (G5 Realty Group/ Keller Williams) said about 13 years ago,
"Great access to many resources..."
Ryan Smith (Keller Williams Energy Real Estate Brokerage): Real Estate Agent in Pickering, ON Ryan Smith (Keller Williams Energy Real Estate Brokerage) said about 13 years ago,
"This site has been an amazing wealth of information. I strongly suggest anyone in the real estate field become part of this ever growing and ever changing community. Kudos to AR!

As a result of one of the ideas I got from a great post I created a blog/facebook group called "52 Things To Do In Durham Region". As a result of this I was asked my the regional tourism board to come to a big event with 150 of the regions movers and shakers. I met with a few mayors of some of our cities, I met with other professionals and other politicians and students. So far the blog has been up for a month and a half and I have 600 people already following!

AR Update... I now have had 3 featured posts! I am ranked #2 in my City for points and number 7 in the region... I am about to break the top 40 in my province. I love AR and love everything it stands for. It is such a fantastic way for people to share their love and knowledge of the Real Estate community with everyone involved.

I have taken the QR code idea I have gotten from here and used it on my business cards. Its been a HUGE hit. Not many people are using this technology here in Canada so its great to be on the leading edge!"
Cyndi Mino, SFR, e-PRO (First Team Real Estate): Real Estate Agent in Huntington Beach, CA Cyndi Mino, SFR, e-PRO (First Team Real Estate) said about 13 years ago,
"I had reached the end of my rope one day and wrote a blog about it. It received so many comments in one day and become a "featured blog". From this blog I received 2 referrals!!! I'm just amazed how far reaching Social Media is and we'll see what comes from these referrals....."
LINDA GINEX (Fitzpatrick + Prince Real Estate Group): Real Estate Agent in Irvine, CA LINDA GINEX (Fitzpatrick + Prince Real Estate Group) said about 13 years ago,
"I blogged on this exact topic. See my very first blog post titled 'I Received a Referral the FIRST DAY I Signed Onto Active Rain- What the Freak!?!'"
Marianne Hatton, I Sell This Town! (Fathom Real Estate & Hatton Realty Inc.): Real Estate Agent in Columbia, SC Marianne Hatton, I Sell This Town! (Fathom Real Estate & Hatton Realty Inc.) said about 13 years ago,
"I was unwillingly relocated to Columbia in 1986. It did not take me long to figure out that this was a GREAT place to live and raise children. Prior to my real estate career, I was in Business Forms Management for the Southern Electric System.

I have always had a passion for success and real estate feeds that passion. I was Rookie of the Year my first year in real estate."
Victoria Murphy, Santa Fe, NM (Sotheby's International Realty ): Real Estate Agent in Santa Fe, NM Victoria Murphy, Santa Fe, NM (Sotheby's International Realty ) said about 13 years ago,
"I have had several people contact me for more information about my city and the possibility of moving here. I have had several referrals for both sellers and buyers from agents who have been following my blog."
Zoe Horlick, Buying and Selling,its all about YOUR needs (Schwab Realty, Inc): Real Estate Agent in Sequim, WA Zoe Horlick, Buying and Selling,its all about YOUR needs (Schwab Realty, Inc) said about 13 years ago,
"I have had 3 Referrals from Active Rain. Thank you Active Rain..."
Steven Tucker, Foreclosures, HUD Homes, First Time Home (Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc. ): Real Estate Agent in Montgomery, AL Steven Tucker, Foreclosures, HUD Homes, First Time Home (Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc. ) said about 13 years ago,
"If you are reading THIS, then I found you, and that is success!!! I would not have made this point to you without this comment, and that makes my ActiveRain success story. So, please let me know that you found me or I found you here so that I can continue the success story!!!"
Donald Leske II (BCI PROPERTIES, LLC): Real Estate Broker/Owner in Tacoma, WA Donald Leske II (BCI PROPERTIES, LLC) said about 13 years ago,
"Our business has grown over 300% in the past three years, forcing us to double the size of our office and put on new staff. Business is great when you work hard to make it that way."
Michael DeRosa (Alliance Real Estate Specialists, LLC): Real Estate Agent in Auburn, NY Michael DeRosa (Alliance Real Estate Specialists, LLC) said about 13 years ago,
"Michael DeRosa together with his business partners Mike Franklin and Brian Dominic have been well-known for their property listings featured in national and local media including:

Forbes, TIME Moneyland.


USA TODAY, Huffington Post, NY Daily News.

Aol Real Estate, YAHOO!, Font Page of MSN.Com.

CURBED, Hooked on Houses.

CELEBRITY Real Estate venue by featuring the estate of world-renowned artists Victoria & Richard MacKenzie-Childs."
Jerry Dugan: Real Estate Agent in Corpus Christi, TX Jerry Dugan said about 13 years ago,
"ActiveRain has helped me reinvigorate my real estate business in late-2010. I joined a Group called the "31 Day December Challenge" that challenged members to go DO something to build their business for 2011 and post about it. This not only allowed me to share my small successes, I also received feedback, new ideas, and also learned from other agents who posted on the Group Page. I use ActiveRain to network with out-of-town agents and professionals and also to learn the most recent developments in real estate to improve the service I provide to my clients."
Ron Smart (SEO Company LGS): Services for Real Estate Pros in Westlake Village, CA Ron Smart (SEO Company LGS) said about 13 years ago,
"So far just getting started but on an SEO and Internet Marketing standpoint active rain has an awesome Alexa of under 5000 and a Google PR of 5 so this tells me they have done their job well and they are getting quite a bit of traffic.

We'll see how this pans out. LGS will be doing a case study on this."