ActiveRain Success Stories
Paul Park (Prudential Lynch Realty)
said about 13 years ago,
"I am new to" ActiveRain " but very excited about all it has to offer! I do know I will have some nice success stories coming in the near future."
Margo Currie (Exit 1 Stop Realty)
said about 13 years ago,
"My Active Rain success story is all about the amazing people I've met and relationships that have developed. There are generous friends who answer questions, give advice, share knowledge, and offer support. Words fail me when I try to describe the importance of these people in my life and my career. Thank you!"
Gita Bantwal, REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel (RE/MAX Centre Realtors)
said about 13 years ago,
"I was in my car going for an appointment when I received a call from someone asking me directions to Peddlers Village. I had recently written a post about the great shopping in Peddlers Village and the holiday decorations. These people had read about it and planned to visit the area and said they could not get good directions from their friends whom they were visiting. I was thrilled that someone from out of town had read my blog and were thinking of visiting Bucks County.
I received a call from content co-ordinator for bankrate.com,( Mortgage rates.com is an affiliate of bankrate.com) and was interviewed for an article on their web site. Here is a link to the post:
I answered questions on local housing market , down payments and refinancing.Check out the link.
I had an open house at my listing in an active adult community. A lady came in and the first thing she said is, " I recognize you from the internet. You specialize in 55plus communities. I want to work with you. I have just started looking and want to move in the spring." It felt good to hear these words . When she came to the open it was due to my ad in the newspaper once she saw me and recognized me she decided to work with me.
I received a call from a couple on Black Friday. She left a message on my cell phone saying they are looking for a home in a 55plus community in Bucks County and read on the internet that I am a specialist. I returned her call right away. They have their home listed for sale with an agent and yet chose to call me for help in finding a home because of all my posts about Active Adult communities .I emailed her some information. I will be showing them homes soon. They want to make sure they have a house to move to if they sell their home."
Eileen Liles, Macht-Liles Real Estate Group - Cedaredge, CO (970-216-0530 http://WeSellDeltaCounty.com)
said about 13 years ago,
"How do you pick a Realtor to refer to in another town? For many years, my first choice was hitting the Certified Residential Specialist website and search for a CRS in the city I need to send the referral to. Not anymore! My first choice is "who do I know from Activerain that lives in that town". Activerainers are the most knowlegable, considerate and transparent people you will ever "know". I say "know" because you can discover much about a person by what they blog about, their attitude and whether it is a good fit for your client. So, the next time you need to refer a friend, relative or past client to a great Realtor in another city or state, make Activerain your first choice. You won't be sorry!"
Pat Starnes-Front Gate Realty, 601-991-2900 Office; 601-278-4513 Cell (Front Gate Real Estate)
said about 13 years ago,
"When I became an ActiveRain member, I didn't know what to expect. There is a wealth of information available on the site from experienced professionals in their field. Since joining, I learned how to create a blog and be ACTIVE with it, I've befriended Realtors, attorneys, home inspectors, lenders, stagers, etc., from across the country and beyond, and I've dipped my toe in the water of social media marketing.
Many members have embraced ActiveRain and the opportunities it provides; others simply post their profile photo and never return. I'm so thankful that I became immersed in the rain. Because of AR, I have grown professionally and discovered ways to enhance my on-line presence.
Thank you, Active Rain."
Kellie Morrissey, CO Realtor CRS, GRI, CDPE (Keller Williams Realty Success LLC)
said about 13 years ago,
"After years of being away from AR it still show up on google. I just got a lead today 6/10/2010 from a post about Copper Mountain from years ago! Why did I ever stop using such a great resource like ActiveRain? Well I'm back and look forward to sharing my success with this great community. With how competitive the real estate market is it's comforting that there are tools at our disposal that truly work!
Thank you AR!"
Carrie paredes
said about 13 years ago,
"ebooks resell rights"
Tania Kalecheff, Montreal/Westmount Real Estate (Profusion Realty Inc. / Christie's International Realty)
said about 13 years ago,
"One of the nicest clients I've come accross, found my profile on ActiveRain and was impressed by it. She interviewed me to list her property which had not sold with another agent. I listed and sold it relatively fast. I would say that we are both glad AR helped us connect!"
Alan Endermann (Coldwell Banker TEC Realtors)
said about 13 years ago,
"Active Rain has been my #1 source to remain informed of current market trends and stay abreast of changes in the real estate industry through communication with fellow colleagues throughout the nation."
andrew jackson
said about 13 years ago,
"MLM Marketing is one of the most inexpensive ways to make money in 2012 because it requires little cash investment to begin."
Miami Agent
said about 13 years ago,
"Using ActiveRain, I am trying to help potential homebuyers become aware of the Miami real estate market, and find them the best Miami home for sale for them."
South Metro Property Management (South Metro Property Managment)
said about 13 years ago,
"We were invited to Active Rain and have been pleased so far."
StapletonHomeTeam KnopHomeTeam Distinctive Properties, For an UnReal Estate Experience call the Knop Home (Distinctive Properties)
said about 13 years ago,
"When I ask a start up client how they found us I get a variety of answers, some internet and you never know where they really started with that. But one thing I do notice, is that while I am out looking with them or going to a second list appointment. They do comment on something that I have written. So whether they found me because of my Active Rain blogging or not. They are following up with research on me and my guess is that the knowledge I can put out over several relative posts can usually seal the deal for me.
I actually find it easier to say less at a preliminary meet and focus on the client's needs than to try and spew too much information. This is where blogging can come into affect. Whether you tell people to research something specific through your blog or they come by it in checking you out. You can be that expert that they want without being the know it all they don't. Thanks Active Rain for giving me this tool and ability."
Dylan Patterson
said about 13 years ago,
"I just want to know how this works.
I just want to know how this works."
James Yates (Red Realty, LLC)
said about 13 years ago,
"After 20 years in the Real Estate business, I have learned that change is inevitable and to lead I must be a catalyst for that change. A leader must work on Building a Performance Culture.
What does Red need to do to Build a performance culture? First, we need to be humble and teachable. Second, everyone has to “buy in” to the big picture.
We know we have the right people on our bus. We are prepared to play at a new level. We have the right “tools”. We are setting our schedule to win championships, not just wins.
We are humble and teachable. We all believe that Red is the best company and we are willing to do the things we need to do to prove that in our market.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, is the same as saying “You can’t give life support to someone who doesn’t want to live”. Do you want to “live”… just survive, or really live!?
Be proactive, not reactive. Don’t wait for it to come to you… make it come to you! Always ask yourself if what you are doing right now is the best use of your time. Kill the “something is due to me attitude”. Break the norm and eliminate things in your life that keep you sidetracked from the most important things to you.
What area(s) do you need to improve on to go to the next level? Do you have the likeability Factor? Do others feel good about themselves when they are around you? Are you humble or are you a contrarian (you have done that and done it better than they did… always one upping what they say). Are you a “go-giver” as well as a go-getter.? Do you help others achieve what they want/ need?
Finally, Remember that the only lasting form of discipline is self discipline and a person can be inspired but not motivated. How about being BOTH!!??"
Antonio Bruni (Property Tube)
said about 13 years ago,
"For the past two months i have spent hours on end reading blogs and browsing the Active Rain website. The site is fantastic and its amazing to see so many passionate realtors communicating and sharing information. I am excited to be apart of the Active Rain network and look forward to connecting with all you wonderful Realtors."
Patti Chapman, #1 REALTOR MACON GEORGIA! (Sheridan Solomon & Associates)
said about 13 years ago,
"I've had many buyers and sellers find me on Active Rain! Also, have had numerous referrals from out of state realtors looking for a professional and effective Realtor in the Macon, GA area. Many thanks to Active Rain for this exposure and successful marketing!"
Anna Hall
said about 13 years ago,
"Check this website for news about 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in London, including tickets, schedules, sports, news, videos, photos and venues."
MyraAnne Healey (US Field Inspector and Property Preservation)
said about 13 years ago,
"Hello, I would like to welcome and invite you to the US Field Inspectors and Property Preservations four free Groups and one Paid Forum for Field Inspectors and Property Preservationists throughout the U.S. with more leads then anywhere else. The name of the Groups and Forum is “US FI & PP. &” Fieldbids ” Please follow any of the five links below to join one or all! You must follow the rules to become a member of any of them: NAME, STATE, PHONE NUMBER, WEBSITE, EXPERIENCE, A REFERENCE, A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF, AND HOW YOU HEARD ABOUT US,,, MUST BE GIVEN IN ORDER TO JOIN!!
Forum: WWW.FIandPP.com (OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY 6-4-11) Congratulations Members!
US FI & PP Group: USFieldInspectorsandPropertyPreservations-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Fieldbids Group: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/fieldbids/subs_invite
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups/US-Field-Inspectors-Property-Preservations-3917844
Once you follow these rules and become a member than WELCOME!! If you chose to join our paid Forum, which is harder to get in, as we are letting it grow slow but steady. You will find more active leads then anywhere else on the internet with no broken links and valuable information throughout the U.S. ( If you do find a broken link please email me).
We are the most active Groups & Forum out there in the FI and PP industry. Please be sure to introduce yourself to the Groups & New Forum!
To become a member of the Forum there are TWO STEPS in order to be activated, you must REGISTER and go through PAYPAL. If you only do one of the two steps your account will not activate. The Forum is for experienced FI & PP only, with minimum of 3 years experience and there is a nominal fee, which does not even cover the maintenance. Come and be a part of the continued growing of the only Forum in the FI & PP Industry and be a part of the growth of this new adventure. If you are joining this Forum you are joining it for more work and YOU WILL find it. If you are looking for contractors you may post there too.
The Groups are opened for both the Experienced and the Gnu bees and is free. Another change coming very soon is that I will be combining both the US FI & PP Group and the Fieldbids Group under the US FI & PP Group as that is the busier of the two with many of the same members. So, the two shall become one. ;-)
ONE THING TO ALWAYS REMEMBER : You will find no one else in this industry that has your back and will do everything to get you work and help you fight for your money if it s late, I am always looking out for you!!
MyraAnne Healey
dba JP-Online Services
64 Abijah Bridge Road
Weare, NH. 03281
603-529-7441 Office
603-529-7739 Fax
603-486-7442 Cell"
Vicki Graham (#1 Properties)
said about 13 years ago,
"I close many transactions that have resulted from Active Rain consumer reads."