sellers: Listed to Sold - the Favorit-est Tips! - 03/28/14 02:42 AM
Earlier this week we did a show in the SWS Virtual Studio called "Listed to Sold: Beyond the Old 3P's" where we discussed various strategies to getting listings SOLD so that our sellers can move on with their lives and we can enjoy a well-DESERVED paycheck. I say well-DESERVED because the premise of the show was that you can (and should) go way above and beyond the "Old 3P's" (Put a Sign in the Yard, Put it on the MLS, Pray) if your goal is to be the Best Listing Agent You Know (and I truly hope that IS your goal!). 

sellers: Ten Ways to Show Your Seller You Don't Care (2013) - 06/04/13 10:35 PM
Continuing on my latest theme of Ways to Make Your Seller Happy (or not!), here's another re-post of a blog I wrote several years back after a disappointing experience I had personally with a listing agent...
"Ten Ways to Show Your Seller You Don't Care!"
It's easy! Just follow these simple steps...
1.  Don't send your seller a copy of the MLS listing entry to get his feedback.
2.  Don't let him know when his house officially goes "on the market."
3.  Don't offer to do an open house, and be sure to argue with him if he asks you to.

sellers: Even if They Don't Complain... Sellers Notice - 05/27/13 09:12 PM
A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog called: "How to Wow Your Seller - The Favorit-est Tips" where I listed the results of a little survey I did following a SWS Teleseminar on the subject of knocking the sox off your seller client so that they'd be delighted to tell everyone they know how awesome you are. 
One of the final comments on the blog was from my friend Charles Stallions who said "Certainly a lot of great points, I often wonder if the sellers forget that their home is even for sale as they never seem to call either … (115 comments)

sellers: How to Wow Your Seller - the Favorit-est Tips! - 05/12/13 10:38 PM

Last Thursday we did a little show in the SWS Virtual Studio called "How to Wow Your Seller" where Susan Haughton and I discussed various things a listing agent can do to ensure that her seller clients are talking about her behind her back, letting everyone they know how thrilled they are with the service they're receiving. At the end of the show, we asked the audience to share their Favorit-est Tips and below are the results of that survey.  
But first, know that your sellers aren't going to be "wow'ed" by a big flashy display or expensive closing … (67 comments)

sellers: "Why Hasn't My Listing Sold?" Free Teleseminar at SWS - 01/15/13 09:52 PM
So, have you ever had a listing that didn't sell? Or, even if it did sell, took WAY longer than you thought it would and the eventual selling price wasn't anywhere close to being satisfactory to your seller, thus making the experience a painful one for all?
Ugh, right?
If you haven't yet enjoyed your first tough-to-sell listing, you probably will; it happens to all of us and yes, can be a painful experience. So, when a listing isn't selling, what is the solution? Price, right? Reduce the Price and watch your troubles go away?
Eh, not so fast. A price … (5 comments)

sellers: Are 100 Listing Appointments Better than 10 Listing Appointments? - 06/19/12 10:33 PM
I was listening to some ho-hum non-real estate-specific sales training seminar a few weeks ago – don’t know why I was listening to it, considering it was as ho-hum as they come; maybe I was subconsciously looking for material to blog about!

And voila! I found something!

During the seminar, the speaker was spouting traditional numbers game fluff. Basically, the same old “The more people you touch with your sales pitch, the more you’ll sell of whatever it is you’re pitching.”
One of the examples he used was actually from the world of real estate. He was talking about real estate agents … (117 comments)

sellers: The Proper Care & Feeding of Sellers From Contract to Closing - The Favorit-est Tips! - 01/13/12 04:12 AM

In keeping with our tradition of posting the Favorit-est Tips after our How-To shows in the SWS Virtual Studio, below are the Favorit-est Tips from yesterday's show: The Proper Care & Feeding of Sellers from Contract to Closing.
The show was about a listing agent's duties and responsibilities during the critical Contract-to-Closing period to keep everything on track and heading toward the closing table. We used my Listing-Under-Contract checklist (which you can find in my VIP Lounge) to refer to, although interestingly, a few of the most favorite tips weren't even ON my checklist! (Thank you SWS Coach Deb Stephenson for adding … (13 comments)

sellers: The Proper Care & Feeding of Sellers From Contract to Closing - a Free SWS Teleseminar - 01/10/12 11:23 PM
Especially for Rookie Agents (but everyone is welcome), this teleseminar show is about what happens (or SHOULD happen) between the time you get your listing under contract (woo hoo!) through the day of closing (an even bigger WOO HOOOO!). 
The thing is... getting a listing under contract is nice, but it's sometimes the easiest part of the whole process. Today, buyers are nervous, lenders are fussy and your seller might not be tickled with his selling price, so holding the transaction together will require you to be on top of the dates and deadlines, and prepared to ward off problems before … (11 comments)

sellers: My Sign is Prettier than Your Sign! - 12/11/11 11:28 PM
I just got off the phone with one of my consulting clients. Poor guy. I nearly took his head off with my impassioned rant about the priorities of the real estate industry. He handled it well, I must say, although I could tell his patience with his trusted mentor (that would be me) was wearing thin. But I just couldn’t help myself…
Nothing like a good rant to re-energize your day!
We were talking about the pursuit of expired listings. My client has all sorts of ideas on how to approach expireds (I really hate that label, but shall use it here … (16 comments)

sellers: The Proper Care & Feeding of Sellers From Listing to Contract - a Free SWS Teleseminar - 11/08/11 11:28 PM
Especially for Rookie Agents (but everyone is welcome), this teleseminar show is about what happens (or SHOULD happen) between the time you get your new seller client's signature on the listing agreement and that glorious day you go under contract.
Contrary to what some seem to believe, there are a LOT of things that a listing agent can (and should) do once the sign goes in the yard, way above and beyond the 3P's (Put a sign in the yard, Put it in the MLS, Pray). Things like communicating with the seller every day during the first week and on a … (6 comments)

sellers: HOW To Recommend a Price Reduction without Risking Your Credibility or Upsetting Your Seller - 11/01/11 12:51 AM

Related to a recent blog entitled "READ THIS Before Your Next Price Reduction Recommendation, today's post is about HOW to recommend a price reduction if it comes to that without blowing your credibility, or, frankly, ticking off your seller.
In a perfect world (and why not strive for that?), a price reduction is rarely necessary. In this perfect world, real estate agents price, prepare, and present their properties properly (I love alliteration) and therefore homes sell in a reasonable amount of time without the need for a price adjustment. Agents don't capitulate to the demands of sellers to overprice a home, nor do they "buy" listings … (71 comments)

sellers: READ THIS Before Your Next Price Reduction Recommendation! - 10/21/11 01:22 AM

I have a friend who listed her house with one of the top agents in her area. They went on the market about two months ago, at the exact price the agent recommended and supported with his market analysis. Showings were brisk at first, then trickled off, as typically happens. Feedback has been generally positive, although the home is rather unique and simply not practical for many buyers, and the feedback has reflected that.
A few weeks ago, out of the blue, the agent recommended a $50,000 price reduction. This caught my seller friend by surprise since the feedback she'd received … (174 comments)

sellers: Do You Remind the Other Side of Contingency Deadlines? - 08/24/11 01:01 AM

During a recent SWS Teleseminar show (Negotiate with Soul) a discussion arose as to whether or not a listing agent should "remind" the buyer agent of the buyer's contingency deadlines. We didn't exactly call it "reminding," but rather "checking in" or "following up," but to my ear, it's the same thing as "reminding."
For example, in Colorado, there is a loan approval deadline which somewhat functions as the Drop Dead date in a transaction. If the buyer does not have loan approval by that deadline (typically a few days to a week prior to closing), he can do one of three … (20 comments)

sellers: Is it Your Fault if Your Listing Doesn't Sell? - 08/10/11 02:06 AM
A few months ago, I was contacted by one of my customers who had just purchased my Listing Analyzer for Expired Listings which is a dandy little tool to help agents figure out why an expired listing didn't sell with the previous agent... and what they can (and should) do better this go-around.
She was a little miffled by something she saw in there - specifically - my implication that the previous listing agent "failed" to sell the house and that somehow, that was HIS/HER fault!
She asked me: "So, Jennifer, you're saying that if I can't sell a listing, it's … (59 comments)

sellers: There's Nothing Wrong with a Free CMA - and a LOT Right about it! - 05/06/11 01:54 AM
It's a common complaint among our ranks that we often work "for free," especially these days when buyers are fussy, sellers are frustrated and closings are more tenuous than ever. We can work for months on one transaction only to watch it fall apart due to factors beyond our control, leaving us uncompensated for all that time, energy and gas money.
While I have some issues with the opinion that all that work was "for free," that's not my topic du jour.
Today I want to pontificate about our resistance to providing a "free" CMA (comparative market analysis). That it's unprofessional … (18 comments)

sellers: Do You Really Have to List to Last? A Free SWS Teleseminar with Guest-Host Jim Kimmons - 05/04/11 01:26 AM
"You Have to List to Last!"
Ever heard that before? Probably so - most real estate agents have heard this advice from their well-meaning mentors, trainers, gurus and associates. It simply means that if you don't have listings (that is, that you represent sellers), you won't succeed in your real estate career.
There are plenty of reasons industry pundits feel this way, and some of those reasons are absolutely valid. As a solo agent, you can probably handle far more active listings than active buyers. Listings have the potential to generate even more business, both from sellers who see your sign in their neighbors' … (7 comments)

sellers: To Disclose or Not Disclose a Home's Material Defect In Your Marketing - a Follow-Up - 04/26/11 02:22 AM
A few weeks ago I posted a blog about whether it's a good idea or not to "disclose" an obvious material defect in your public advertising of a home, or let buyers discover it on their own when they visit the house. My opinion is that it's usually best to be upfront about such things so that you are marketing to the "right" buyer, not just using a shotgun approach hoping that "right" buyer stumbles along.
Well, there's more to the story; thought I'd share.
After the blog got featured, a member wrote to me privately telling me that she was … (41 comments)

sellers: "No I Won't Reduce My Commission! Do You Expect Me to Work for FREE?" (Um, let's do some math) - 03/26/11 02:21 AM
Bear with me this morning as I rant a little bit about one of the Sacred Cows of the real estate industry (specifically, the compensation model that pays us based on the price of the property).
I recently read an article written by a real estate agent bemoaning a potential buyer client's request that the agent reduce his fee by half. Seems the buyer found a property on his own and just needed help getting the property under contract and to closing.
The agent was, predictably, outraged and offended. How dare this buyer ask him to reduce his fee! How dare he imply that … (131 comments)

sellers: Do You "Disclose" a Home's Obvious Deficiencies in Your Marketing? - 03/18/11 12:39 AM

Many years ago, I had a sweeeet little listing in Denver. A 1940's stucco Tudor, with all the fixtures and features Tudor-philes love - glass doorknobs, art-deco light fixtures, oak floors with inlays, decorative tile window sills, vintage fireplace... it was an easy house to fall in love with.
And buyers did... over and over again. Fell in love, that is... UNTIL...
<key spooky music>
...they reached the back bedroom. Unfortunately, the entire northwest corner of this sweeeeet little stucco Tudor was sinking. Not only did the floor slope alarmingly, there were 1"-2" cracks all along the back wall and across the … (54 comments)

sellers: Who's Driving Your Bus? Do Your Sellers Tell You What to Do? - 10/11/10 12:50 AM

Ahhhh... back from vacation... and I must confess it's awfully darn cool to GO to the beach and then come HOME to the beach!
Anyway, here's a follow-up to my last pre-vacation blog about the show Loreena Yeo and I did together in the SWS Virtual Studio about getting listings sold FAST.
One of more memorable messages conveyed during that show was Loreena's utter and complete commitment to walking away from a listing that doesn't meet her requirements. If the seller refuses to price properly and/or to follow her advice on preparation and staging, she does not want the listing. Period.

Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn, Author of Sell with Soul (Sell with Soul)

Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Author of Sell with Soul

Pensacola Beach, FL

More about me…

Sell with Soul

Mobile: (850) 356-2647




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